Page 48 of Family Jewels
“I’ve got time.”
There was a slight edge to his voice this time. Something twisted in my stomach, catching me off guard. He was still holding my hand, and I knew I should break free, but part of me didn’t want to. Why?
“I’m doin’ it for Neely Kate,” I said, still watching his face as I forced myself to pull my hand free and take a step backward.
He watched me with an intensity that sent a jolt through my gut, and I took another step back.
“Why would Neely Kate be workin’ for Dyer?” he asked.
“She’s got it in her head that we should be private investigators. So I indulge her from time to time. Remember when we looked for that missing garden gnome?”
He closed the distance between us, and I backed up again.
“Looking for a garden gnome and working for Radcliffe Dyer are two totally different ballgames.”
“Too bad I didn’t know that this morning,” I said as I took another step back, feeling warm even though it had cooled off outside.
James continued his pursuit. “Why were you talkin’ toHomerDyer?” he asked in a low voice.
“Is that why you’re here?” I asked, hating that I sounded breathless. Why was I so nervous? “I told Jed we weren’t there to see Homer. We wanted to talk to Mable. I had no idea he was trouble.” Another step and now my back was against the barn wall.
“But Neely Kate knew.” He stopped in front of me, his chest mere inches from mine. My legs felt rubbery, and I struggled to catch my breath as anticipation raced through my blood. What was wrong with me? Then it hit me.
Oh, no.
He planted a hand on the wall next to my shoulder. “You’re supposed to call Jed when you think you’re going to be in danger.”
“I already told you that I had no idea we were heading into trouble. As soon as I felt uncomfortable with the situation, I sent him a text.” I felt claustrophobic with him so close. I warred with the opposite urges to push him away and pull him even closer. But I had to use my head and pretend this was no big deal.
“Do you have any idea what Homer Dyer is capable of?” he said, his low, husky voice sending a shiver down my spine.
“No,” I pushed out, dropping my gaze and starting to panic at my reaction to him. When had this happened?
Placing his hand on the wall on my other side, he leaned down so his mouth was next to my ear. “We’ve been watching him for two months now, ever since he lost his job. He’s a stupid man with a hot head, a dangerous combination. He’s angry at the world, Rose, and he’s lashing out at anyone he thinks is out to get him.”
“I didn’t know,” I whispered, a new shiver washing over me as his warm breath tickled my neck.
“I know. And that’s what scares the shit out of me.” He suddenly grabbed my arms and pulled me hard to his chest. “Now try to get away from me.”
I looked up at him and blinked, thinking I must have heard him wrong. “What?”
“Get away from me.”
I still stared at him in confusion.
“If you’re going to throw yourself into these dangerous situations, I’m going to make damned sure you know how to get out of them. Now break out of my hold.”
I dropped my gaze in horror. Here I was, fighting lustful feelings for James Malcolm, and all he was trying to do was teach me to protect myself. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I finally said, still looking down.
“You’re not going to hurt me,” he chuckled, and his chest vibrated against mine, sending another wave of lust through me.
I had to get away from him before I did something stupid. “Last warning,” I said.
“Give it your best shot.”
My first instinct was to knee him in the groin, but I couldn’t bring myself to hurt him like that, so I jerked backward and swung my arms wide and then down, loosening his hold enough that I managed to pull loose and run for the door. He was on me again in seconds, wrapping an arm around my waist and hauling my back to his chest.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his voice low in my ear.