Page 38 of Family Jewels
“I don’t think they were all there,” Neely Kate said. “But a good portion of them were in a box in the top drawer of Mable’s dresser.” She pulled out her phone and showed me a photo after she tapped on the screen. “Look.”
I took the phone and scrolled through the half-dozen photos of jewelry in an underwear drawer.
“Did she sell the missing necklace?” I asked. “We didn’t see it at the pawn shop.”
“I don’t know,” Neely Kate said. “None of their stories are matching up.”
Jed put his hand on the steering wheel. “Why would you agree to look for a necklace for Raddy Dyer?” Then he sighed and shook his head. “He’s paying you. You’re playing private eye.”
Our silence gave him all the answer he needed.
“Raddy’s up to something,” Jed continued. “And it’s bound to bite you both in the ass in the end.”
I suspected he was right. Especially if he was mixed up with some of Crocker’s guys.
I sat back in the seat and rubbed my forehead. “We need to rethink everything, but first I need to go home and make Tuscan Chicken.”
“Rose,” Neely Kate protested.
“No,” I said. “We weren’t gonna do anymore tonight anyway, so let’s let it sit until tomorrow and make a decision then.”
Neely Kate grumbled but didn’t offer any further protest.
Jed’s voice lowered. “You two need to stay away from Homer Dyer.”
“Oh, for goodness’ sake,” Neely Kate exploded. “We have no reason to talk to Homer Dyer again. We’re not goin’ anywhere near there.”
Jed opened the door and climbed out without a word. It occurred to me that I’d never seen him talk so much in one sitting. What in Sam Hill was going on?
I slid out after him and shut the door behind me. “Jed.”
He was already almost to his car door, but he turned around to face me.
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” he asked. His face had returned to its usual unreadable mask.
“You and Neely Kate . . .”
He sucked in a breath and looked away, then glanced at the front end of the truck before finally returning his gaze to me. “She was in more danger than she’s willing to admit, and I’d hold myself responsible if something happened to her—to either of you—when I could have prevented it. Next time you go someplace like that, would you please give me more notice?”
“We can’t expect you to keep playin’ babysitter for us, Jed.”
His face softened and he took a step closer. “You know I’ll always be here for you, Rose.”
When James had assigned Jed the task of watching over me last winter, he’d taken the job both more seriously and more personally than I’d expected. “I know, but just because I know you’ll be there when I need you doesn’t mean I want to abuse the privilege.”
A soft grin spread across his face. “Andthat’swhy I’m more than willing to help you—because youdon’texpect or demand it.” He looked down into my face. “If you’re going to continue to look into this, I want to be more directly involved.”
“I think we’re gonna let this one go,” I said. “But thanks for the offer.”
“In any case, keep an eye out for Homer Dyer. He’s usually a lot of talk, but it’s not a bad idea to watch your back.”
He nodded and then got into his car and drove off, leaving me to wonder why he was really so upset with Neely Kate.
I didn’t believe his story for a second.