Page 135 of Family Jewels
“It’s not your damn concern, Rose.”
“But it is!” I said, grabbing handfuls of his shirt and pulling him closer. “You’re my friend and I don’t want to lose you. Ican’tlose you, James. My heart couldn’t bear it. So whether we’re just friends or we’re more, I’m not gonna stand by and watch you get embroiled in another war if there’s any way I can put a stop to it. Got it?”
He just watched me with that intent gaze of his.
“And as a citizen of this county, if I have an opportunity to keep peace and prevent more bloodshed, I’m gonna do it too.” I clenched his T-shirt tighter in my hands and pulled his chest to mine. “Are there any more arguments?”
“If you go to this meeting as the Lady in Black,” he said, his voice low, “you’ll be stuck in this world. There will be little chance of getting out. You’ll always be in danger.”
“Then I’m stuck in it. My goal is to make sure no one’s in danger when this meeting is done.”
His hand slid behind my back, the warmth of him searing through my shirt, and suddenly he was holding me against his chest. “You know that’s next to impossible?”
“I have to try. I’ll always regret it if I don’t.”
“You’re so different than me,” he said, searching my face. “You’re doing this for absolutely no personal gain whatsoever.”
I gave him a tiny smile. “Don’t be so certain of that.” I released my hold on his shirt. “Jed told me to dress as Lady, so I need to get ready.”
His arm dropped, and he took my keys and unlocked the door. “It’s eight. You should make that call now.”
I nodded, my mouth going dry. I pulled out my phone and pulled up the number Buck had called from.
“You remember the location?” James asked. “Putnam Industrial Park, space 239, at nine o’clock. Tell him the rules of parley will last an hour, starting at nine.”
“What are the rules?”
“We agree to no bloodshed during that time. No weapons in the meeting. We check them at the door.”
“Can you trust him to follow it?”
“I guess we’ll find out. Make the call.”
I swallowed and hit the call button. When it started ringing, I put it on speaker so James could hear.
“Rose Gardner,” Buck said in a sneer. “You’re late.”
“I’m not coming.” I paused to let that sink in. “But I have your necklace. If you want it, you’ll come to me to get it.”
“Is your boyfriend goin’ to be there?”
I shot a glance at James’ poker face before looking away. “Skeeter Malcolm will be there, along with his associate Jed Carlisle. They invoke parley.”
“You’re shittin’ me.”
“If you want the necklace, you’ll agree to the terms.”
He paused for so long I was sure he’d hung up. “Okay,” he finally said with a chuckle. “Why the hell not. When and where?”
James had told me to tell him, but memories of my run-ins with J.R. Simmons came to mind. Whenever we’d given him a chance to plan ahead, he’d taken the upper hand. “For an hour, starting at nine. I’ll text you the location at 8:45. It will be on the west side of town. We expect you and Kip Wagner. The both of you or no deal. You may bring two additional men.”
“No way. How do I know we’re not walkin’ into an ambush?”
“I give you my word that you’ll walk away without a scratch as long as you abide by the rules.”
“Yourword.” He chuckled. “What authority do you have to giveyourword?”
James’ gaze held mine. This was his warning, but it couldn’t be helped. I’d known it would come to this. I’d stepped through this door last year, and there was no turning back. Maybe I could use this position for good. “As the Lady in Black.”