Page 37 of Legend of Scorpio
“No. I don’t dream much, if at all, actually.”
“We’ll have to tell Sage and Aries.”
“Why?” she asked. “It was simply a nightmare.”
“Was it? Best to not take chances.”
She sighed. “If you say so. What time is it?”
“Four a.m.”
“Ugh. Too early to get up.”
“Agreed.” Did she realize she clutched his shoulders still, as if she didn’t want him to leave?
“You should try to get back to sleep.”
“I guess.” She sounded uncertain.
“Worried you’ll end up back in the nightmare?”
“A little. I really hope not. It was really unpleasant.”
“Move over.”
“Because I’m going to stay here and keep you safe.”
She snorted. “What makes you think you being close will help?”
“You’ve read part of my namesake’s book. I’m a hero. It’s what heroes do, keep the bad shit away. So scooch.”
He expected her to argue. Instead, she shifted over enough for him to slide into the bed, staying over the covers. He draped an arm over her middle and tucked her close.
“This feels weird,” she murmured.
“Surely you’ve slept with a man before.”
“Not often and it’s been a while. You’re also a lot larger than the men I usually date.”
“More of me to love.” The words slipped out, and he froze. What the fuck had he just said?
“I thought you didn’t believe in love,” she countered.
“I don’t. Now quiet. I’m trying to sleep.”
“Okay.” Pause. “Thanks, Scorpio.”
Thank him for what? Being decent? Being present? Keeping his erection from pressing against her backside?
Lying with her so close proved a form of torture he’d never experienced. Sleep eluded him for a bit, even after her breathing slowed, showing she’d found slumber.
Truth told, he rarely—very very rarely—ever slept with his sexual partners. Much easier to fuck, say thanks, and leave.
In this case, he’d not even gotten past first base, although he took it as a good sign she’d kissed him first this time. She might deny the attraction, but she obviously felt it.
It took time, but he fell asleep, only to wake at a blaring siren.