Page 21 of Legend of Scorpio
A scowling Scorpio obliged, as did Rebecca, her confusion mounting. Who were these people? Why did they threaten?
The only stranger who didn’t wear combat gear or hold a gun had the sphere cradled in his hands. At the sight of them, the man, his hair graying at the temples, smiled. “Excellent job, Doctor Guthrie, in locating the relic.”
“How do you know my name?”
“Because I hired you.”
At his words, she noted the insignia on his coat, a familiar company logo.
“You work for Cetus?” She couldn’t help a surprised note.
“I do, and as I was the one who nominated you for this job, I am delighted to see it was the right choice. The last scientist proved to be such a disappointment. Then again, he didn’t have one of the Zodiac Warriors helping him.”
Scorpio scowled. “What do you want with the orb?”
“You’ll soon find out. If you’ll follow me…” The man tucked the orb into a pouch slung crossbody before he turned and began to climb down a ladder dangling from the top of the glacier.
They had no choice but to follow since the man also stated, “If they don’t cooperate, shoot them.”
Rebecca needed no other threat. She obeyed, as did Scorpio, if unwillingly.
“Who are you? Where are you taking us?” he hotly demanded once he’d finished climbing down.
“I work for Cetus, which is also where we’re heading.” The man indicated the oversized chopper planted on the ice field by her camp.
“Why?” Rebecca asked, joining him. “You have the orb. You obviously don’t need us anymore.” A bitter response to the realization she’d been used.
“Given you’ve proven clever, you might be useful yet. Three people we’ve sent looking for the relic, but you’re the only one who managed to find it. As for the warrior, we’ve long hoped to capture one of the famed Zodiac Warriors, but they’re not easy to locate.”
“Who says you’ve captured me?” Scorpio declared.
“Even you cannot think to escape this many armed men,” scoffed the man.
“Don’t be so sure about that.” Scorpio suddenly grabbed hold of Rebecca and murmured, “Hold tight.”
“What?” she exclaimed as he tucked her to his chest.
The stranger yelled, “Shoot him before he starbeams.”
As bullets suddenly fired, the world went blurry and cold, intensely cold.
For a brief moment, she felt as if she were flying.
Then…. darkness.
With impossible oddsthat offered capture or possible death, Scorpio took a third option.
Out in the open air, feeling the tug of his stars, he chose the cowardly route—mostly because he didn’t want to see Rebecca injured or killed. However, his abrupt departure meant leaving the orb in the hands of the malfeasants who’d ambushed. But only for a short time because, once he’d made sure of Rebecca’s safety, he would hunt them down and take it back.
Scorpio activated his power, the tattoo on his back heating, enveloping him and everything touching him—including the woman in his arms. The constellation and the tower did the rest. He, and everything touching him, dematerialized and shot to the stars, a streak of light only rarely caught by those watching that ricocheted back to Earth and reassembled them inside the portal room on the bottom floor of Babel Tower.
Home sweet—and safe—home, where Aries would likely give him shit for bringing an outsider. Only humans who’d taken the oath could visit the tower. An oath that bound them with star power and kept them from revealing their secrets.
It wasn’t just Aries who’d likely freak. He had a feeling the doc wouldn’t be too impressed. He’d apologize later.