Page 27 of Heat Force
Hawk’s eyes lingered on hers, the warmth in his gaze making her breath hitch. “You haven’t shown me the staff quarters yet.”
“You want to see where I live?”
“Yeah, I heard there was some damage, and since we’re remodeling, we may as well include those.”
“Er, sure. Follow me.” She led him out of the clinic and around the back to where two long, squat buildings stood, partially covered by the encroaching jungle. This was where the veterinarians, the carers, and the catering staff lived. Twenty units in total, but many had double bunks in them. As a woman, she’d gotten a room to herself.
“This is me.”
He stood back while she unlocked the door, then followed her inside. Lexi cringed as she took in the state of her room. It had been messed up by the rebels, but nothing had been taken. She didn’t have anything of value to take.
When she’d arrived here, it had been with one suitcase containing the bare minimum, along with her passport and some spending money. Both of those were in the safe up at the Lodge, on Robert’s insistence. She hadn’t even brought her engagement ring, preferring to leave it on the dresser in her bedroom. Her mother had probably returned it to Charles by now. Maybe he’d even given it to Charlotte when he’d proposed.
She watched as his gaze roamed around the room, taking everything in. The broken shelf containing some personal items, the medical books piled on the floor, the chair over which she’d flung the green dress from last night and … oh God. Her underwear.
Shit, she’d forgotten about that.
Flushing, she said, “Sorry about the mess.”
“Not a problem.” Hawk moved further into the room, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Your bed is broken.”
One of the legs had broken causing it to slant like a lopsided playground slide.
“Yeah, I slept on the floor last night.”
He turned to her, his tone chastising. “You should have told me.”
“Yesterday was a long day. I wasn’t really worried about where I slept. Besides, the mattress is fine, it’s just the frame.”
His expression softened. “I’ll come and fix it this afternoon.”
“Oh, there’s no need.” She brushed it off. “I’m sure there are more urgent things to work on.”
“It won’t take long.”
“Okay, well, if you’re sure.”
“I am.” The look in his eye caused her stomach to flip. It was filled with an intensity that took her breath away. She felt herself flushing, her hands turning clammy, and it had nothing to do with the heat or the humidity.
It was all him. Hawk affected her like nobody else she’d ever known. He seemed to draw her in with his very presence. Command her attention. Now he’d lost that superior attitude and the arrogance that went with it, she was powerless to resist.
He took a step toward her, his gaze fixed on her face. “You know I’d do anything to help you.”
“But why?” she whispered. “What do you care? You’ll be leaving soon.”
“I still I care about what happens to you.”
Oh, God. That magnetic force was pulling her in. He brushed a damp strand of hair out of her face, his fingers grazing her skin. She felt like she was being singed.
“Does Robert know who you are?” he asked.
“He knows my name, but not who my father is,” she whispered, glancing down at her hands, wishing they weren’ttrembling. “Even if he did, it wouldn’t matter. He needed a vet, and I applied for the job.”
“You were very brave coming out here,” he murmured.
“I was desperate to get away.”
“Was he so bad, your ex?”