Page 18 of Heat Force
“Yes, but we have to get him to the clinic. He needs stitches.”
“It was a panga,” the ranger rasped, using the local name for a machete, the large, cleaver-type knife favored by tribes in eastern and southern Africa.
“It didn’t cut the femoral artery, thank goodness.” She glanced up at Erick. “If it had, you’d have bled out by now.”
He nodded weakly. “Rebels attacked the village. We tried to stop them, but they were too strong for us. There were too many this time.”
“Oh, Lord,” whispered Estelle, visibly paling. “Not again.”
“Is there anything we can do?” Hawk asked. Lexi saw genuine concern in his eyes.
“A smaller group were headed this way,” Erick warned.
A collective gasp went up amongst the group.
“We must warn the others,” Estelle said. “They’re going to want to go and protect their families, if they haven’t already.” Bad news traveled fast in the bush.
Hawk sprang into action. “I’ll go and issue the alert. Dan can come with me.” The cameraman nodded.
Lexi focused on Erick. “Let’s get you to the clinic. You’re going to need anesthetic and stitches. We’ve no time to lose.”
“I’ll bring the golf cart around,” Estelle said, matter-of-factly.
Robert put a warning hand on his wife’s arm. “Okay, but I don’t want you going with them. You need to stay here and secure the house and staff.”
She gave his hand a quick squeeze. “I know.” They’d rehearsed for this contingency many times. “You should call MONESCU,” she whispered. “Before it’s too late.”
Robert began barking orders. “Hawk, once you’re at the clinic find Patrick. He’ll warn the others.” Hawk nodded, no argument.
“Lexi, you know what to do once you’ve seen to Erick?”
She nodded. The shelter under the clinic had been well prepared after the last uprising.
He clapped his hands together. “Right, let’s go!”
The whole household swung into action. Within two minutes the golf cart was at the front door and Hawk and Dan lifted theinjured ranger into it. Lexi had bound his wound, but was still applying pressure with her hand, which was now covered with blood. She jumped into the back of the cart with her patient, while Dan and Hawk climbed into the front, Hawk taking the wheel.
“What about me?” asked Jasper. “What should I do?”
“You and the rest of the crew stay here with us at the main house,” ordered Robert.
He flashed Hawk a worried look, then nodded and went back inside.
“Stay safe,” Estelle called, a catch in her throat, as they took off down the dirt track to the clinic.
Lexi peered into the jungle as they bounced towards the clinic, keeping her hand on Erick’s leg. Somewhere in the darkness, the rebels were approaching. She estimated they had twenty minutes at the most, then they’d have to take cover too. She had to work fast.
“What is MONUSCO?” Dan asked, as the clinic came into view. “Is that a United Nations thing?”
“It’s the UN peacekeeping mission in the area,” Lexi told him. “They do what they can in these situations, but once the rebels are on the move, it’s hard to stop them. The damage is usually done by the time the troops get here. The local communities are so inaccessible that response times are slow.”
They skidded to a halt outside the clinic, the front tires kicking up plumes of dust and grit. Hawk and Dan lifted the ranger out of the car and carried him into the clinic.
“Put him on the operating table,” ordered Lexi, going straight to the sink and washing her hands. The water ran red as the ranger’s blood spiraled down the drain. After drying them, she pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and began to assemble the utensils she’d need to treat his leg.
Erick winced as they set him down, but didn’t complain. He was a brave man, and he’d risked his life to come and warn them. “It’ll be okay,” she told him, praying she was right.
“We’ll go and find Patrick.” Hawk set off, Dan right behind him, leaving her to work. She cleansed the wound with disinfectant, gave Erick a shot for the pain, and then went to work stitching him up. She’d never operated on a human before, but it wasn’t that different to gorillas, just less hair. She was so preoccupied with what she was doing, she didn’t notice when Hawk came back into the room.