Page 71 of Rebel Protector
Ghost watched as the doctor cleaned and treated Becca’s head wound, then moved on to her split lip, gently wiping away the blood and disinfecting the cut. “I need to reset her collarbone. It’s best to do it now while she’s still unconscious.”
Ghost nodded. “Do what you have to.”
The doctor took Becca’s arm and gently pulled it outward, rotating it externally. There was a loud pop as the bone relocated back into place.
Becca murmured but didn’t wake.
“You sure she’s going to be okay?” Ghost asked, worried. That was a painful procedure, yet she barely reacted.
“As sure as I can be without a brain scan,” the doctor replied. “You need to get her to a hospital as soon as she can be moved. The nearest one is twelve miles from here, east of the city.”
Ghost nodded. Whatever it took to make sure she was okay. In the background, sirens screamed down the road toward the hacienda.
The doctor looked up. “Are those for you?”
“Not us. We just worked there. They’re after the bad guys.”
The doctor gave him a curt nod and continued his work.
After tending to Becca, he cleaned and stitched Ghost’s knife wound. “You get this saving her?”
Ghost nodded. “You should see the other guy.”
The doctor chuckled. It was the first time he’d relaxed since they walked in.
“Thanks for patching us up,” Ghost said as the doctor finished tying a bandage around his upper arm. He handed him a wad of U.S. dollars. “Will a hundred cover it?”
The doctor nodded and pocketed the money. “You can’t move her yet. She needs rest.”
“We’ve got to get out of here,” Ghost said, not wanting to go into too much detail. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the doctor, but he knew that if push came to shove, the man would do what was necessary to protect himself and his family.
“You can go, but she has to stay,” the doctor insisted.
Ghost could have easily taken Becca and walked out, but he knew the doctor was right. Rest was the best thing for her.
“I’ll be back in a few hours.” He needed to ditch the SUV before the authorities traced it here or someone spotted it outside the clinic.
The doctor nodded. “Sí, go ahead. She’ll be fine. I will check on her.”
Ghost shook his hand. “Thanks. Turn off the lights in reception so no one knows you’re here.” He didn’t mention that people would be looking for him.
The doctor walked him to the door and let him out into the dark street. A moment later, he saw the clinic lights go out and heard the bolt slide into place behind the door.
He heaved a sigh of relief. Becca was safe, for now.
Ghost drovethe SUV around the corner, out of sight from the main road. It was the same road that led to the hacienda, hence the sudden rush of police vehicles. He made it just in time before two more police cars sped past, lights flashing.
They’d be disappointed. There was nothing left to find except a bunch of hired thugs. Most of them would probably scatter the moment they heard the sirens. He doubted the guards at the gate would even try to stop the police.
Without Markov there to give orders, they’d melt into the jungle or slip down to the beach. No one wanted to get arrested—not for a boss who didn’t even know their names.
He continued driving until the road steepened and turned into a dirt track. Pulling over under some trees, he rummaged in the glove box and found what he was looking for—a map.
Bingo. Thanks, Carlos.
He switched on the overhead light and studied it.