Page 65 of Rebel Protector
“Give me the phone,” Ghost growled, gun aimed at Markov’s head.
“It’s too late,” Markov hissed, tossing the phone at him.
Fuck, no!
Ghost picked it up and stared at the message on the screen.
His chest constricted.
Kill the girl.
It had been sent.
“You bastard!”
Ghost turned back to Markov, only to find the snake had slithered off again into the cane field.
Raising his weapon, he fired, but the hollow click told him the cartridge was empty.
He tossed the gun away in disgust.
He was about to go after the arms dealer when the phone in his hand beeped. Glancing down, Ghost saw a red exclamation mark next to the sent message.
Only one bar.
No reception.They were in a dead zone.
He felt weak with relief.
Thank you, God.
He knew the message would send as soon as it found a signal, but at least this bought him some time.
He was itching to go after Markov and finish the job. He wanted to beat him senseless and leave his rotting corpse to be eaten by rats in this very field.
But he had precious little time to get to Becca.
There was still a chance he could outrun the text message.
Dropping the phone where he stood, Ghost turned and raced back to the clearing.
“You get him?”Pat strode out of the barn, rifle slung over his shoulder. The clearing looked like the aftermath of a warzone. The Colombian military was rounding up cartel members who weren’t bleeding out on the ground, cuffing their wrists and loading them into the back of their own truck.
Ghost shook his head. “Bastard got away, but I hit him in the shoulder. He won’t be hard to track.”
Pat frowned. “It’s not like you to miss. What’s up?”
Ghost ran a hand through his messy hair. “Markov gave the kill order on Becca. They were using her as leverage.”
Pat’s face darkened. “Shit, I didn’t know.”
“There wasn’t time to tell you. I’ve got to get back to the hacienda.”
In the background, Blade was on the sat phone, calling for an evac helo. Cole was talking with two serious-looking Americans—probably the FBI guys.