Page 75 of March 5
"Never would've got him back without you, Skye. I couldn't—"
"Wedid it." She nodded. "He'll make it."
Brett dipped his chin. They both had other things to worry about. Dio was fighting for his life. Maybe one day, they'll acknowledge how desperate the situation was for them.
"Can you take me to the hospital?" She slipped out of her dad's arms. "I don't think I can drive."
Mariah approached her, holding out a largetowel. "I raided your bags. Put this around you, or you'll go into shock."
She wrapped the towel around her, but until she knew Dio would live, nothing would help stop the shakes threatening to break her.
He was so unmoving and pale. She wasn't even sure he was still breathing when they took him from her.
Chapter Thirty One
Jagger talked to the police chief near the closed doorway in the waiting room of St. John's Hospital. Skye leaned against her dad, sitting in a chair in front of the wall of windows. As each hour passed, her anxiety grew.
When Dio arrived at the hospital, he was alive but unconscious. The doctor had already wheeled him into surgery in the time it took for her to get there. That was four hours ago. No one had come out to give her an update. Waiting was the hardest thing she'd ever done.
Beside her, her dad stiffened. She followed his gaze to the chief.
"What's wrong?" she whispered.
Her dad moved his head slightly in a negative motion but kept looking across the room.
"Dio's not in trouble, is he?" she whispered.
Her dad patted her knee. "Jagger will take care of him. Don't worry."
On the other side of her, Aunt Brooke leaned closer. "Gunshot wounds have to be reported. He's probably asking how it happened and who shot him."
Skye frowned. That would insinuate a crime had been committed, and they'd have to investigate Dio's part in the shooting. Not knowing what went down except that Havlin Motorcycle Club was hunting Los Li members, she felt Jagger wasn't tellingthe chief of police the truth.
Protective of Dio, she would've done the same.
Mariah walked in with two trays of coffee, followed by Brett, who carried more. Skye took one that was offered because she was tired of everyone telling her she needed to take care of herself. But her stomach wouldn't hold anything.
Mariah took the seat on the other side of Aunt Brooke. "Has the doctor come out yet?"
"Not yet." Aunt Brooke cupped her hands around the coffee. "Thanks for the drinks."
"My mom sent them. She wanted you to know that if you need drinks or food, call her, and she'll deliver them, so you don't have to leave Dio's side." Mariah motioned for Brett to sit by her.
The chief of police dipped his chin to the members of Havlin standing in the waiting room and left. Jagger approached them. When her dad stood, she stood. She needed to know what was happening with Dio.
Jagger reached out and squeezed her shoulder. "There will be no investigation."
She exhaled in relief. Having the police after him was the last thing Dio needed in his condition. Since she'd already heard the Havlin members took care of the Los Li members, she understood an unspoken crime was covered.
If "took care of" meant someone from Havlin had killed the Los Li members that shot and left Dio for dead, she was glad. She would've shot them herself for what they'd done to him.
The two swinging doors opened, and a manwearing green scrubs walked in, removing a mask. He gazed around the room, picking out Jagger.
Everyone waiting for news moved as one toward the doctor. Skye's dad tucked her under his arm and pushed his way to the front.
Jagger lifted his chin, motioning toward Skye. "That's his old lady."
"I'm Dr. Everett." He gazed around at all the bikers before settling on Skye.