Page 63 of March 5
Dio rode his Harley over the curb at the corner and entered the side street in time to see Maverick punch the biggest Los Li member in the face and take him to the ground. The other one wasted no time, running across the street in front of Dio. He shifted, passing the man and turning in the middle of the street to corral him.
The guy changed directions, running toward Maverick. Knowing they couldn't allow the activities to get on the main street in front of witnesses, Dio toed his kickstand and braked, coming to a skidding stop. He jumped off the Harley and ran to stop the Los Li member from rounding the corner.
Ahead of him, Ruger jogged out of the alley.
"He's coming up on you," Dio shouted.
The man took that moment to look over his shoulder at Dio. At the same time, Ruger shot out of the alley and tackled him. He slowed to a jog, looking past the two men on the ground to the crowd at the corner, gawking at the fight.
He slapped Ruger on the back. "Get him up. We've got company." Moving toward the others, he grabbed the biggest man. "Make one move, amigo, and I'll blow your fucking head off in front of all these nice people."
Maverick exchanged looks with him. They knew what they had to do. Many times, their activities happened in broad daylight with innocent witnesses viewing the crimes. Luckily, their demeaner and dress usually kept people away from them.
Dio threw his arm around the Los Li member and grabbed his belt from the back, pulling him offcenter. Ruger grabbed the other member, keeping him close.
"Sorry, folks." Maverick held his hands at his sides. "My buddy is getting married tomorrow, and he wanted to have some fun. He's had too much to drink."
A few of the men watching chuckled in understanding and escorted the others away from the scene.
With his back to the crowd, Dio removed his gun tucked under his belt and stabbed the barrel of the pistol into the side of the man. "Tell me where your car is parked."
"No entiendo—"
"Oh, you fucking do understand me." Dio pulled him forward. "You have one more chance to tell me where your car is located."
With the Havlin members only having motorcycles, they'd already planned to use the Los Li car, saving them a trip back to get rid of the vehicle, too.
"Up one block." The man never fought him. "You will regret this."
"I've regretted a lot in my life." He pulled the man off the sidewalk to cross the street. "But this ain't one of them."
It was a job.
Los Li had used, abused, stolen, tortured, and sold more women than they could keep track of. To the Mexican Mafia, women were disposable.
Havlin Motorcycle Club wouldn't let them touch their women. Seaglass Cove would be safe once they feed the men to the sharks.
At the car, he pushed the Los Li member onto the roof of the car. Dio kept his pistol aimed at the man's back.
"Zip tie his wrists." Dio moved out of the way, letting Ruger shackle both men. "We need the keys."
Once they were contained, he slipped his pistol back under his belt and opened the driver's door, pushing the button to unlatch the back of the Escalade. He gazed up and down the side street. The crowd from earlier had dispersed.
Ruger escorted the Los Li members to the back of the vehicle.
Dio looked at Maverick. "I'll drive 'em around for..." He pulled out his phone to check the time. "Let's say, forty minutes to make sure nothing comes at us regarding our fight on the street. I'll meet both of you at the normal spot." He met Ruger's gaze. "This is your game, brother."
Ruger dipped his chin. "Appreciate it."
Dio understood Ruger wanted to be the one to put a bullet in their heads before they were thrown into the ocean. No amount of therapy would help Ruger unsee what happened to Rachel at the hands of Los Li, but retaliating would help him sleep easier.
Maverick slapped the keys into Dio's hand. "Watch your speed. You don't want to draw L.E.'s attention when transporting garbage.
He slid into the driver's seat and started the engine. Maverick stood in the middle of the side street, motioning him away. He made a U-turn and drove down the alley to avoid using Main Street. One of the others would ride his Harley over to theclubhouse before heading toward the secluded rocky spot on the coast that Havlin used to get rid of evidence.
Ahead of him, the backdoor of the laundromat opened and several men walked out. Dio slowed to a stop. The hair on the back of his neck prickled as the three suited men lifted their right arm. Close enough to see the suppressors on the barrel of their pistols, he shifted into reverse, and threw his arm over the passenger seat, looking in the rear window to drive out of the alley.
The windshield shattered.