Page 59 of March 5
"Brett's going to watch the house," he said.
"Oh." She squeezed his hand and studied him.
He urged her to go into the locker room and change. Then, he slipped through the men's locker room and waited at the pool house entrance with Brett for her and Mariah to come out.
They had one week to find Los Li.
Chapter Twenty Four
Aunt Brooke walked out of the kitchen. "Someone's coming."
On the couch, Skye looked up from her phone. "How do you—?"
Then, she heard the low rumble coming from outside. She jumped from the couch, grabbing Mariah's hand. She hadn't seen Dio in over twenty-four hours.
"I wonder if it's over." Mariah stood in front of the window with her, looking out to the driveway.
Rachel joined them. "I miss Ruger."
Aunt Brooke sighed in agreement. "It's been rough. While I've enjoyed having you girls with me, I think we are all ready to have our men back."
Brett walked to where the concrete slab and the gravel met and waited. Skye looked to the right where she could only see part of the porch. Cord stood in the grass, gazing at Brett for a sign that everything was okay.
The thumb-up sign came. She exhaled, unaware of holding her breath.
Aunt Brooke moved to the door. "It's Havlin."
Between all of them having jobs at different times, Havlin members escorting them everywhere, and having the girls' sleepover, she was ready to return to normal.
Her excitement grew at the sight of the bikercoming into view. "He's here."
She hurried to the door, urging her aunt to turn the deadlock. When she hesitated, Skye fisted her hands, wanting to do it herself.
"It's okay. It's safe. It's Dio," she blurted.
Finally, her aunt unlocked the bolt and opened the door. Skye ran out of the house on bare feet. Before Dio could shut off the engine, she threw herself at him.
He dragged her in front of him and claimed her mouth. Desperation came over her. Hours apart seemed like days. Frantic to see him, feel him, taste him, she grabbed his head, taking his tongue, his lips, his mouth.
She pressed her body against his, feeling the chill coming off his leather. He was back.
He grunted in her mouth. She moaned, arguing with him. She couldn't stop. She'd never stop.
"Skye." He closed his mouth.
She tugged his hair, nudging his lips to open again. She wasn't done. She'd never be done.
He cupped the back of her neck and pulled away. She gasped, shocked out of the kiss.
"We need to stop." He lifted her off him and set her beside the Harley. "Put your shoes, jacket, and helmet on."
"I get to go home?" She panted. "It's over?"
"I've got a few hours to rest, and I want you in the same bed as me." His gaze heated. "The longer we're out here talking, the less time we'll have together."
That declaration jump-started her. She sprinted back into the house, explaining to the otherswhat was happening while she dressed for the ride, and grabbed her helmet by the door.