Page 67 of Mountain Bean Dream
His lips quirked into a soft smile. “You must’ve been in a real hurry to lose your femme fatale disguise.”
Despite myself, a laugh broke free, shaky and unsteady. “Guess I’m not cut out for dramatic exits.”
Jeremy stepped closer, slipping the clip into his pocket. His brow furrowed as he searched my face. “Talk to me, Molly. Why’d you run? Was it all the musical faux pas?”
“What?” I blinked through clumpy lashes, and quickly rana finger over them to fix it.
“Screw up sounded harsh, but if that was it, people will understand… You should still be in your sling.”
My gaze dropped from his warm, sincere smile to the pavement. “It wasn’t that.”
“Was it the media?”
The question landed like a punch.
“You’ve always said I should do my research when it comes to crossword clues I don’t know the answer to, so I did.” His tone was tone teasing but gentle. “Shadowed Realms? That crossword clue the other morning?” He hooked a finger under my chin and lifted it so I’d meet his gaze. “That’s you, isn’t it, Holly Gaudreau?”
“Yes.” My word was breathless. “You knew?”
He shoved a hand through his hair, his expression sheepish. “I wasn’t going to say anything. I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.”
Whether or not I was ready, it was time to tell him.
“I’m sure you’ve already read everything the media said about me.” I hung my head as a dull ache bloomed in my chest. No doubt, it was as poisonous as the set had been.
He set his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll believe what you tell me versus what mainstream media says.”
Searching his dual-coloured eyes, genuine warmth and caring settled in for a long monologue.
“On the last show, I was offered an impossible choice,” I began, my voice barely above a whisper.
Jeremy’s hand tightened around mine, his presence steady and grounding.
“They dangled promises—bigger roles, stardom, everything I’d worked for—but only if I played along.” I swallowed hard, the memory thick in my throat. “When I said no, they punished me. Cut my role, made me invisible. Then oneof the executives came to my trailer and… he made it clear what I’d lose if I didn’t comply.”
Jeremy’s jaw tightened, but he stayed silent, his eyes never leaving mine.
“I got out the only way I knew how.” My voice trembled. “I broke my contract and ran away. I thought I’d never work again, but I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t let them take more from me.”
The tears I’d held back for so long spilled over, hot and fast. “I’ve been running ever since. Afraid they’d find me, afraid I’d lose everything. Again.”
Jeremy reached up, brushing a tear from my cheek with achingly gentle fingers. “You didn’t lose everything,” he said softly. “You found yourself.”
The dam broke wide open.
Jeremy wrapped me in his arms and soothingly stroked my back. “I believe you, and think you are incredibly brave.”
I stayed there in his arms until I felt I could breathe again. Once I’d caught my breath, I pulled back to take in the man holding me together.
Still unsure of what was happening, I blinked at him, stunned. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I was scared. Scared that if anyone found out who I was, they’d try to take advantage of me or my money.”
“Is that what your family did?” A note of anger ribboned through his question.
“Yes.” For the first time, I wasn’t embarrassed or shamed by this; after all I’d only been a child, a teen, a minor in the eyes of the law. “And once you figured out who I was? You… you didn’t care?”
He stepped closer, his gaze locking on mine. “Molly, I’d already fallen for you before I discovered who you are, or what you did. It wasn’t some acting résumé that did it for me. It was you.” Under the glow of the streetlight flicker, his cheeks pinked.“I’ve had a crush on you since the first day you walked into the motel office and asked for a room with a view.”
My breath caught, his words knocking the air clean out of my lungs. The best view I got was from the bathroom window, which looked out to the spruce trees edging along the river.