Page 30 of Mountain Bean Dream
With one hand resting on the steering wheel, he set the other on his lap. “Does the age gap bother you?”
“Of course not. You and Derek are practically the same age.”
A low growl formed in his throat. “We’re nothing alike.”
“You really don’t like him, do you?”
He opened the door. “What I don’t like is a guy who mistreats a lady.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Derek never mistreated me.”
Jeremy hopped out of the truck and dashed over to my side, opening the door for me. I unbuckled and readied to slink out slowly with his help.
“He did. You said he said he was using you to pass the time.”
“Yeah, well…” I took his offered hand and placed a foot on the running board. “Isn’t that what we’re doing? We’re just using each other.”
His grip was strong and warm, and his expression matched. “The difference is, we’re being honest and upfront about it. Neither one of us is stringing the other along.”
I stepped onto the running board, as Jeremy slipped an arm around my waist. Feeling that security, I put my trust in him as he held tight, gazing up into his eyes even when my feet were firmly on the ground.
“All good?” He asked.
Words escaped me, so I shrugged and nodded.
“Good.” He stepped back, breaking eye contact, and closed the truck door. “Well, I need to get back to work.” Securing his big truck, he turned and started toward the motel office.
I still hadn’t moved. “Jeremy?”
There was so much I thought I could—or should—say, but my brain still wasn’t running properly. “Thanks. For the ride. And last night.”
“I’m glad you’ll be okay. If you need me, I’ll be here until four, and I’ll be back by seven.” With a quick wave, he strode away from me.
Chapter Eleven
The overhead bells signalled my arrival into the motel office before I could even utter a word, but I hadn’t missed a strongly worded growl and a frustrated sound from the owner. At least I knew it wasn’t directed at me, but whatever he was leaning over.
“Hey,” I managed to say after closing the door. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, fine.” He glanced casually at the clock on the wall. “That was a quick rest.”
It was. I tried lying down but I wasn’t sleepy. Sure, my head was slightly foggy, but it had finally stopped throbbing. “Couldn’t sleep. Too much on my mind.”
“I’m a good listener, if that helps.”
“I’ll be okay, but thanks. What are you working on?”
There was a small, hand-sized motor sitting atop a sheet of metal with a half-moon cut out of it.
“Do you know what tools are?”
My eyebrows jumped into my hairline, and I mock-gasped. “Yes, why wouldn’t I?”
“You just seem like the type to not get her hands dirty.” He connected with me. “I’ve seen you at the Coffee Loft. If a drop of milk hits the top of your hand, you wash it off immediately.”
“I happen to like clean hands.”