Page 16 of Mountain Bean Dream
Jeremy inhaled deeply but calmly replied in a tone that suggested a deep connection all the while holding tight to my good shoulder. “I am her boyfriend, and I really don’t appreciate the way you are talking to her. I hear exactly what you’re accusing me of, which frankly is uncalled for and blatantly untrue.”
“Boyfriend? Really.”
How hard had I hit my head? Did I hear him correctly?
Derek shot a questioning stare my way but before I could say anything, Jeremy spoke.
“Yes. We just celebrated our anniversary.”
Holy beans…
Derek tipped his head sideways and pierced my soul without even touching it. His eyes narrowed into slits before jumping back and forth between Jeremy and me. “Is that so?”
I pinched my thigh, just to be sure I wasn’t hallucinating.
My heart pounded harder than the throbbing in my shoulder. Why was Derek being such a jerk and why on Earth would Jeremy say we were celebrating an anniversary? My heart skipped a beat, unsure if I wanted to laugh or yell at him. Did he overhear me at the coffee shop—or was this his way of doubling down on the fake-dating thing?
I flashed back to Wednesday when I’d mentioned to Elliot about the reason for the embarrassingly large bouquet of flowers. Jeremy didn’t know Derek had been the boyfriend I was on my way to see, but clearly, he had overheard parts, and forwhatever reason, he felt he needed to state this. Right now. In this ER room.
The air in the curtained-off area thickened like the morning mountain fog. No one was seeing clearly.
“An anniversary, eh?” The pen in Derek’s hand tapped against the chart as he pursed his lips. “That’s interesting.” His eyes narrowed to slits. “Really interesting.”
“It shouldn’t be.” He inhaled sharply and his warm exhale blew against my hair. “Anyone who’s ever met her adores her.”
Somewhere, way back in my Twilight-infested teens, I thought it would be dreamy to have two guys fight over me, but in this particular moment, it wasn’t nearly as dreamy. Far from it.
I shifted on the uncomfortable bed and cleared my throat. “Excuse me, Doctor? My reason for being here? Or shall I request someone new?”
He set the chart on the nearby counter, donned some gloves, and sat on the rolling stool. “Right. Let me see.” He scooted closer. “Do you have a headache, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, confusion, sensitivity to light or noise, and any changes in mood or behavior?”
“I’m getting cranky right now.”
He rolled his eyes.
“But yes, I have a bit of a headache and a bit of an upset stomach, but none of the other things.” My stomach was souring, but it could also be because Jeremy and I had discussed going out for a bite to eat, and I was getting hungry. Or maybe it was the sound of a crackling wrapper coming from Jeremy’s direction stirring my hunger pangs even more.
“Can I get you to stand please?” Derek asked but offered no assistance.
I reluctantly did as he requested, pushing myself up and off the bed.
“Stand on your left leg.” He watched as I wobbled, but it wasn’t my dominant leg so there was that. “And now your right.” That leg I had way more control over. “Great. Have a seat.”
“No bow?”
“Your sense of humour still seems intact.”
He pulled a penlight out of his pocket and held it above my eyes, leaning in close enough for me to smell the sip of coffee he must’ve had just before coming into my curtained area. The bright light shone from side to side, and I held my breath as he moved.
However, when Jeremy’s hand rubbed across my shoulders, it soothed my ruffled feathers and was a calming force I needed. But maybe it was the mint scent raining down which was just as pleasant.
“Pupils reactive. That’s a great sign.” He stared into the depths of my eyes, and I allowed him to linger. Gone was the objective doctor and for a heartbeat, my former boyfriend was present.
Until Jeremy cleared his throat.
“This is the sore elbow?”
I nodded, looking anywhere but at him.