Page 63 of That Summer
“I thank you for that.” She escaped the confines of the car and wasted no time stepping over to a picnic table. Leaning against the edge, she stretched out. “One more leg and we’ll be there.”
A loud sigh blew from her lungs and her hands shook off their restless energy.
It was easy to empathize her plight.
“And you’re doing great.” He really couldn’t be more proud of her.
“I was worried there for a bit.”
“I gathered.” Lucas stretched out beside her.
With each inhale of air, her colour started to return. He needed to stay here longer than planned as he didn’t think he’d lose her onthattrip. Figured if it was going to happen, it would be on the next leg. He stood and paced off his nervousness, hoping she didn’t notice.
Her eyes were closed and turned up to the sun so he was safe. Although he knew all about her mom, after many middle of the night conversations, it always put her at ease to ask about her. He felt she needed to be put at ease now. He knew he certainly did. “What was she like? Your mom, I mean.”
Her eyes opened, and instantly connected with him. “Beautiful, wonderful, smart. Kind-hearted, but firm. She’d be the first to scold us, and the first to tell us how proud she was.” She stretched out her arms above her head. “What about you? What was your dad like?”
Discussing it always made him uncomfortable, so Lucas just shrugged. First it was two years of tests, illnesses, chemo treatments until he became bedridden for the final two weeks. Death was almost easier to deal with as the uncertainty of how each day would unfold was gone. For a while, at least there was peace. Then his mom had a breakdown and Nate dropped out of racing, unable to be at the track without his—their—dad. And Chris? Well, she had been a completely different issue.
“I don’t remember much anymore, just little things really. The way he adored my mom and was always such a gentleman.” Even in those final days, his dad exuded kindness.
“A trait he passed on well to his boys.”
His cheeks heated, and it spread right over his face. “Thanks. We try to keep him smiling… wherever he is.” He searched the sky, wondering if he was watching over them.
Behind them lay the highway. The roar of passing cars soothed him. One of his favourites sounds.
Aurora kept glancing nervously in the same direction. “Is this going to work out? Our big plan?”
He stepped closer to her and sat down. “It has to. He wasn’t happy with her the way he was with you.”
“Maybe.” She shrugged.
“C’mon.” He hopped off the table and held out his hand. “Let’s walk and check out the area.”
Hand in hand, they strolled around the building, stopping as a plane thundered overhead. It touched down on the other side of the highway.
Aurora dropped onto the grass and stretched out.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching the planes, silly. It’s a different perspective like this.”
He stood over her for a moment, taking in the beauty laying on the green grass. Yeah, this stop was the perfect stop. Here, behind the building, she was away from the car and the parking lot. She was grounding herself–literally–as she wiggled on the grass, feet flat, knees bent, with her hands rested gently on her stomach. Not wanting to pass up what would probably be his last chance to be with her, he stretched out beside her.
Tonight, he’d planned on following her back home, but then what? It would be super weird to follow them up, wouldn’t it? Would he still be welcome at the apartment after tonight? How often would Nate be staying there? That was something he hadn’t thought all the way through. What now? For a moment, his heart ached.
Plane after plane soared overhead. Each time, she inhaled a large gasp of air which made him laugh. Seriously, she was too cute. But it was time to go. If they were to make it to the track on time, it would be best to break up this moment and power on. Climbing to his feet, he dusted down his legs.
Aurora rose and ran her hands over his shoulders. “Grass.” She firmly swatted him. “Well, shall we go? My destiny awaits.”
He snickered. “Yeah, and he doesn’t know you’re coming. This’ll be so awesome.”
He couldn’t wait to see Nate’s reaction. When Nate had been with Aurora, he was a changed man–a guy with a purpose it seemed. With that hoe-bag, he was miserable and surly, and a total pain-in-the-ass to be around. He couldn’t wait to have the happy Nate return, especially with the new business underway.
Last night the guys had a good talk and Nate had shared with him other plans for getting back together. It was so hard to pretend to be in the dark about Aurora, especially since Nate kept asking rhetorical questions that he actually had the answers to. After tonight, things were going to be different. Easier. And he looked forward to that. Sort of.
Buckled in and ready to go, Lucas asked, “Are you sure you’re ready? This is the longest leg.”