Page 47 of That Summer
“Tell me about it.”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
Aurora scooped a taste of ice cream onto the spoon. “I need to figure this out. I don’t want things to be awkward between us.”
“Too late.” Kaitlyn’s tone was sarcastic but the truth was out there.
“I mean I don’t want them to be more awkward.”
“Yeah? Let me know how that works out.” She gave her best motherly look. It always came with a side of guilt.
“Kaitlyn,” she said quietly, casting her gaze downwards and avoiding eye contact.
“Are you sure it’s love though? Maybe you’re just lonely.”
“I am lonely, but not in the sense of being alone, I–”
“I know what you’re saying, that’s why I suggested it. You miss Nate so much you’re transferring your feelings to Lucas.”
With a shake of her head and a long blink, she said, “That doesn’t make any sense at all.”
Kaitlyn put her ice cream container on the side table. “Of course it does. You and Lucas have been together every day since when? July? Or at least almost every day. He’s helping you through some really tough shit, and you are depending on him. You’ve never depended on anyone, and I should know. I was your best friend first.” She bit her bottom lip almost as though she was trying to stop the quivering. Her arms retracted closer to her body as her shoulders rolled inwards.
“But I…”
Kaitlyn sighed and pushed away from her. “It’s okay to depend on someone. It doesn’t make you weak. I promise. In fact, I’m glad you depend on him, it means he’s earned your trust.”
She stared at her friend. Kaitlyn could be summed up in five words: older, wiser and always right. A sister from another momma.
“But they’re so different,” Aurora said. “Nate and Lucas.”
“Not as different as you think.” Kaitlyn twisted the spoon in the ice cream. “They share a lot of similar mannerisms. Enough that even I picked up on it.”
“You didn’t know Nate.”
“That may be slightly true, but I know what he did to you, for you. Lucas has that in spades. You’re more confident. You’re more cheerful. Your determination to beat this thing never ends.”
A drop of ice cream fell onto her necklace charm, and she gave it a lick. “What does that have to do with Lucas?” Her tongue ran over her lips.
“Because he brought it out of you. Just like Nate did.”
She rolled her eyes. “So?” The spoon scrapped across the bottom of the container. Empty already? Damn tiny containers. She could eat a litre of ice cream, maybe more. Needed to swallow away her guilt.
“So?” Kaitlyn snickered. “It’s like they’re the same person but not. Lucas is younger, much closer to your age. Nate’s my age.”
“Age doesn’t mean anything. You and Tatiana are seven years apart.”
She waved away the comment with her spoon. “You and Lucas…” She inhaled and blew out her breath. “Do I dare say it?”
“Spit it out.”
“You two have bonded. A lot. And very deeply, I might add. It’s more than just physical. You’ve bonded on a mental and emotional level. Some would argue that’s much stronger. And it’s only natural that your feelings for Nate transferred to Lucas.”
“I haven’t transferred anything to anyone.” Aurora rose and tossed the empty containers into the garbage. “If Nate were to be on the other side of that door when I opened it, I’d jump into his arms.”
“What if they were both there?” Kaitlyn cocked an eyebrow and pointed.
She whipped her head toward the door as if expecting to see them both.