Page 38 of That Summer
“Great. That gives me some time.”
“Dr. Navin, I’m worried, and you’re making me freak out just a little bit.”
He scooted further to the edge of the couch and put the note pad filled with blue writing within sight. “Aurora, the mind is an incredible machine. We haven’t even begun to figure out all the complexities of it. What works for one person exhibiting the same symptoms, fears and rationalizations, will not always work on the next. Many times it’s a matter of trial and error until we find a solution that solves the problem. And sometimes the solution presents itself in such a way, it’s a wonder it wasn’t seen before.” He clasped his hands together. “Does that make sense?”
The corner of her mouth curled up. “A little, I suppose.”
“Who came up with the idea?”
“Lucas, but he said he had help.”
A small snort came from Dr. Navin, followed quickly by a grin. “No doubt, Dr. Johnson had a hand in it. That woman has some unique ideas.”
She couldn’t help herself; a smile burst through. “She really does.”
Like the time she thought giving her some sleeping pills would make a trip home from the track achievable. She shook the horrible memory away.
“I want you and Lucas to continue doing what you’re doing. It’s working, and it’s got you to a point you never thought you’d be at again.”
This was all truth.
“Are you back in school?”
She nodded. “Starting Thursday.”
“Will Lucas be driving you?”
“The drive time is still a little far, but we’ll be there before long I’m sure.”
For once, she believed it would happen. She really believed it.
“Any relapses?”
“Would I be here if there were? Don’t you think I’d skip out?”
“Actually, I don’t think you would. Not anymore.”
Hmph. Shows you what you know. This would be the last place I’d be.
He brushed down his pants as he rose. “Is there anything further you’d like to discuss?”
“Not that I can think of.”
“Well, I look forward to discussing this with you on Friday. Good luck with your first day.”
Thankful the appointment was over, she stood and gave her hip a quick rub.
He gave her a quick once-over. “Everything okay?” He walked to the door with her file in his chubby hand.
“Yes. It gets stiff when I don’t move it enough.” She met his gaze head on. “It’s all good. I can work through it,non-medically.” Like a volcano spewing lava, pride poured out of her. If anyone had told her six months ago, she’d been reaching this point, she would’ve laughed in their face. The power of believing anything is possible if you believe in yourself has changed her in more than a handful of ways. The best part, she wasn’t alone on this journey. Her strongest cheerleaders walked beside her.
Chapter Ten
The calendar loomed large in front of her, the big reveal date circled in red. So much to accomplish in only two weeks. So muchhadbeen accomplished already. She was quite proud of what she could now do and knew she wouldn’t be where she was without the Johnsons. Nate started her out and Lucas was finishing it up, and somewhere in the middle, Chris was fine-tuning the process. Bless them all for contributing their piece to the puzzle.
All the hard work gave her a tentative hope. If Nate was still dating Marissa, would he be pleased to see her? Would he drop Marissa like a hot potato and welcome her back with open arms? Or would she walk away from the track heartbroken and disappointed? At the start of the summer she’d set out a goal to win him back and conquer her fears but that plan never included him dating someone else.
Two weeks. Two weeks until––if nothing else––she could see him in person. His brown hair, those chocolate-coloured eyes, that dreamy, lopsided smile that warmed her right to her core… Oh, how her heart ached and missed his touch. It had become her new drug, and she craved it.