Page 36 of That Summer
“For what?”
“You know…” Her hand waved through the air. “For putting this together. For making me forget about my problems for a while. I had a perfect evening.”
“Good, I’mhappyto hear that.”
“Oh stop,” she said, rubbing her shoulder into his arm.
Chapter Nine
The Happiness Project stared at her from the weathered table in the shrink’s office. She was close, oh so close, to completing it. It had been four weeks since its inception. Four weeks of learning who she was, and what made her happy.
“Your list is getting better,” Dr. Navin said. “A little less Miss America.”
She was back in the tiny space, thinking out loud about her feelings. After a half-dozen appointments, she actually looked forward to seeing him. Although he was a tad patronizing, she appreciated the directness. There was something about him that made it easy for her to talk.
“Yep, just a few more things to write.”
“I like the depth you are going with this. Have you learned anything about yourself in the process?”
She shifted in her seat, tucking her feet under her. “Surprisingly, yes.”
“Care to share?”
“Why not?”
She ran her fingers over the remaining scabs on her chest tattoo. Joy filled her heart as her fingertips touched the tender tissue. The tattoo had been a total impulse, but she knew exactly what she wanted by the time her feet pulled her into the parlour. It didn’t take long, but alone, the tears slipped out as the needles punctured her skin. Fifteen minutes later the words ‘Tomorrow is never promised’ were scrawled across her upper chest and shoulder in the most beautiful script.
“I am starting to appreciate everything in my life. To be thankful for my friends who have been instrumental in helping me this summer. I’m also grateful for my father. He and I weren’t always close, but this summer, we’ve come a long way.”
“Have you told him that?”
“Yes, several times.” A tickling sensation danced out to her extremities. “I made it my daily project to write a thank you note. Ever read the book called ‘365 Thank Yous’?”
He shook his head.
“This guy wrote a letter every day to someone who touched him in some way. It was so inspirational, I’ve adopted it. Now I send a thank you note every day.”
“Wow. I must say I’m impressed.”
“Thank you.” Pride rose in her.
“And what brought on this change?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know really. The fifty things list maybe. I can’t answer that.”
“Well, be grateful then for wherever it came from.” He ran his hand down his leg. “How have the training sessions with Lucas been going?”
The room brightened as she spoke. “We finally had a breakthrough.”
Dr. Navin leaned in.
“Remember, how that five-minute point was literally the breaking point? How my body blacked out at that moment, every single time?” Her words poured forth at a breakneck speed.
He nodded in confirmation. “Yes, that’s been troubling you both.”
“Lucas figured it out.”
“Did he now?”