Page 3 of That Summer
She shook it away. “Can you tell me something about him? What’s he been up to?”
“Well…” A sigh. “He’s not the same without you.”
“Yeah?” Her heart sped up every time Lucas said that.
Maybe it was what he knew she wanted to hear. Regardless, it made her feel good inside to hear it. Gave her more of a goal. More of a focus.
“You know this.”
“Maybe, but I still like hearing it.”
“You’re hopeless, you know.” He winked. “Anyways, he had a solid race yesterday. Came in third. He’s doing well in the points standings. Second for now.”
Shifting quickly, she pulled her legs to her chest, wrapped her arms around them and tightened. “I already know that. Tell me something new.”
He smiled at her, and a flicker she’d never saw before appeared briefly when he spoke. “I’m not telling you anything more. You two will have to work that out when you get back together.”
“If he’ll take me back.”
His eyebrow went up. “C’mon. You know better than that. He’s gonna give up racing for you. Or at least he thinks he’s gonna give it up.” A snicker escaped him and he twisted in his seat. “I never asked because it’s none of my business, but I am curious about why you broke up.” He searched her eyes, and she broke the contact when she found her hands more interesting to stare at. “You don’t need to tell me. I was just throwing it out there.”
Shame held Aurora back. “What did he tell you? Maybe I can fill in the blanks.”
It was a stretch, even for her, to hope Nate said nothing about Matthew—the insult to injury and the final shove to get him to walk away—but she knew better. Brothers share like sisters do, right?
Did Lucas know the truth?
As she stared at him, she studied his face. Hidden behind those eyes were a myriad of secrets and stories, but they never revealed a thing. It drove her crazy. She hated being the easy to read one.
Lucas shrugged. “Said it was the racing.” He scrunched his brows and raked his fingers through his hair. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it?”
A slight nod. “I needed to push him away because I thought I couldn’t handle being with someone who races car, especially when I couldn’t even look at one. I needed him to walk away and never turn back. To find someone better. I’d hoped he come back begging, but he didn’t. And why would he? I don’t blend seamlessly into his life. But then you showed up announcing his retirement plans. I can’t let it happen, right? I love him so much, so I need to win him back before he gives up the racing. I’m the one that needs to go crawling back on my hands and knees, not the other way around. However, I’m sure, if he’ll take me back, every race will still cause me massive anxiety, but I’m willing to fight that to be with him. Does that make sense?”
“A little. I think it also jumpstarted something more. A desire to stop being a slave to your fears for starters. And that little drug problem. You’re kinda kicking that to the curb as well.”
“I suppose I am.” A proud smile tickled at the edges of her mouth. “It was part of the problem.”
He shifted beside her. “Well, it was and wasn’t for Nate. He understoodwhyyou needed the Percocets and Xanax, he just didn’t like how often you were using.”
The withdrawal had been a living nightmare, but with the fog lifted from her mind, she had a clearer outlook on life. Not necessarily a happier one, but for once in a long time, she had a goal. That was a start. “Fair enough. Does he know I’m trying to stay clean?”
“How would I know?” A broad grin pushed against his cheeks, causing the corners of his eyes to lift slightly. “As far as Nate’s considered, I don’t know you.”
Right. Another sigh. Of course Nate wouldn’t know. Lucas was akin to a ninja therapist. No one knew, aside from his sister, where he spent his time, and he kept mum with everything said between them. Especially the things flying out of her mouth in the heat of the moment.
Too many times she wondered about the predicament she put him in. He was loyal to both his brother and her. When the summer was all said and done, she figured Lucas would end up needing therapy too.
Chapter Two
Lucas slammed the door to the apartment, making her jump. The butter knife flew out of her hand and clanged as it landed in the sink. An hour ago, he texted he had finished at the track for the weekend and was on his way over. As was usual he came in time for Sunday Sandwiches. She made his favourite—peanut butter, honey and banana.
Cheeks red with anger, he asked, “What the hell happened Friday?”
A blank look registered on her face.Where had that come from?
“All week long, we’ve been good, right? I work, have supper with the fam, and then I’m here.” Pacing back and forth in the eating area, he rambled on. “On Thursday evening, everything was hunky-dory. Nate even told me–” He shook his head, strawberry-blond hairs flying in every direction. “It doesn’t matter what he told me.” A spin in his step, he turned to confront her. “Somethinghappened on Friday.Somethingcaused him so much pain because his recent behaviour is so not Nate. I don’t want to pry, dammit, but if you and I are gonna work, there can’t be secrets between us.” He stomped closer to her, his finger waving furiously between them.
Track rules, right? No secrets. Otherwise the team as a whole can’t function.