Page 11 of That Summer
Lucas’ rough hands wrapped around hers. The cool metal was snug between them. Shaking violently, she pulled it across her body. A river of sweat trickled down her back, even though she was chilled to the bone.
“I’m still here,” Lucas said.
She gave a small nod. The metal in her hands clinked against the arm rest on her left side. Her left hand danced around for the connector while her right gripped the main piece tightly.
“Just breathe. You want the clip in your right hand to slip into the buckle in your left hand.”
How in the hell does he keep his voice so calm?
“That’s it,” he said. “Nice and slow. Take a deep breath.”
Inhaling a large gulp of air, she steadied herself and breathed. Another tiny nod.
“You’ve got this.” His voice came from in front of her. “Almost there.”
The fingers of her right hand touched her left.
So close.
She held her breath as the metal pieces joined and clicked together. Tears built up behind her closed eyes.
I don’t want us to crash. I don’t want to watch it happen again. I don’t want Death taking someone else I care about away.
“You did it.” His voice oozed with pride.
She held back a scream, feeling her legs tighten with each breath.
I’m buckled in.
A hint of a weak smile forced its way through. It only came out for his behalf.
I’m buckled into a car. Oh. My. God. I’m buckled into a car.
Bile inched up her throat, tickling at the edges.
Not here. Not in his car.
She swallowed it down, panting as it slowly retreated. A warm hand touched her knee, and Lucas hunched over in front of her, popped into view.
“I’m right here,” he said.
Air rushed in and out of her lungs faster than her racing heart.
“We’re not going anywhere until you okay it.” His voice was slow and even, calm and oddly comforting. “Alrighty? Can you speak?”
Her eyes darted between his and she went to open her mouth, but no sound came out.
“That’s okay. Let’s stick with the thumbs up sign.” Lucas stood there patiently waiting for her to respond. “When you’re ready, I’m gonna close the door,” he said. “I’ll just stay beside it until you give me the sign. Okay?”
Rivers of sweat merged on her back. Her arms shook from nervousness. Slowly, she remembered how to make the sign.
“Okay, great. I’m closing the door.”
Her immediate world darkened as her eye lids shut. Goosebumps bubbled along her arms. It was so cold inside the car she wished she’d worn a sweater. The door shutting into place was too much.
“NO!” she said, finding her voice. A microsecond later, a breeze blew across her body as the door opened.
“It’s all good. Door’s open.” His warm hand squeezed her shoulders. “I need you to look at me okay?”