Page 16 of Awake in Cheshire Bay
“No, not until it’s done.” I tipped my chin towards the dipping sun. “You’ll need to be able to compare.”
He obliged my weak request and took in the full sunset, which sadly, never lasted very long. Once the bottom of the disc kissed the horizon, the whole show was over in less than three minutes. And because the sky was littered with clouds, the spectacle wasn’t all that amazing. On the spectrum of zero to ten, it was pretty awful. I’d seen much better, but I hadn’t ever watched one sitting in my clothes while soaking in the ocean. So that was a first.
“Sunset, nice.” Antonio gave me a meh sign with his hand.
“Yeah, it wasn’t the best I’ve ever seen. Rather disappointing.”
I pushed up onto my feet and became a quivering, dripping mess. So was Antonio but at least he had the decency to look sexy with his hair finger-brushed off his forehead and his clothes hiding very little to the imagination. I, however, looked like a drowned rat and my hair was clumped in unattractive strands. I pulled my wet shirt away from my chest and shivered as the cool ocean air breezed over me causing a whole new set of goosebumps to reform. Thank goodness the truck had vinyl seats and a good heater.
The walk to pick up our shoes was long and silent, even though we were walking hand in hand. The whole way back, I kept questioning if he had really meant to kiss me, or was he swept up in the moment? Every couple of steps I’d check from the corner of my eye to see if he was looking at me, but he wasn’t. He was laser focused on the tree where our dry belongings sat.
My shoes and socks hung from my fingertips as I stood on the sidewalk contemplating my choices. Get the shoes wet and walk without fear of impaling my feet on a stray jagged rock, or walk barefoot, slowly, and mad dash to my truck once I was on the pavement. Antonio wasn’t racing to slip into his fancy wingtips either.
“No shoes?”
“I right there.”
Yeah, his temporary lodgings were fifty feet away.
“Well…” I was torn on what to do. Going home was the only sensible option, but that wasn’t what I wanted to do. Weird how I spent a couple of hours with a strange guy and yet, somehow, felt comfortable enough to share more personal tidbits about myself than I had with some of my closest friends. How did I walk away from that?
My heart pounded relentlessly, and my fingers tingled. Gripping my belongings tighter, I tried my best to be calm and professional. “Thank you for the evening. I had a great time.”
“Me also.”
I stood close, shaking like a leaf on a windy day. He unhooked the jacket dangling from his fingertips and went to wrap it around me. I pushed his hand away. “My truck is there, and I’ll warm up.”
“Don’t go. Stay.” He bent down and reached for my hand. There was so much hope in his eyes, it was hard to be sensible and say no.
“I can’t.” The words were out before I was able to comprehend, but the sadness covering his features was like a picture of a thousand words. “I want to, really Antonio, but I shouldn’t.” And if I didn’t leave now, I might not ever. “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?” I wasn’t working until the afternoon. “We could do breakfast before you leave.”
“Yes, breck fest.”
How I loved the way he spoke, but for my self-respect, I had to leave. I stepped back, pebbles pushing against the soles of my feet, and let go of his hand. Slowly, when there was distance between us, I pulled into myself and painfully crossed the road to my truck. My hand on the door handle, I checked on Antonio. His head was lowered, and he was climbing the rickety stairs.
What was wrong with me? Here was my chance to live a little, to break out of my everyday rut, to be with someone new and exciting, and what was I doing? Crawling into my truck and leaving what was arguably the most fun I’ve had in a long time behind.
Screw it. That person could wait. I needed the excitement. I needed something fun and different. I hopped out, sidestepping another rock.
“Antonio, wait!”
Chapter Six
I climbed the stairs, staring into his eyes as I stepped one higher than him, so we were standing level.
“You stay?” The dark blue eyes danced between mine, searching out the truth.
“I’ll stay.” My heart was pounding wildly, but it felt like the right decision.
To go home would’ve been a mistake of epic proportions, and I’ve made enough of those in my lifetime. Here was my chance to break free of my little world. Besides, it would all be over in the morning, and I’d be left with a wonderful memory.
He closed the gap between us, and wrapped his arm around my waist, merging our soaked bodies, yet somehow, surprisingly, he was still warm. My breasts flattened against him and my chest heaved as I stared into his eyes, and let my gaze float down to his sweet, kissable lips.
He did not disappoint, and the moment our mouths touched, electricity flowed through my body, joining us together in a kiss that could end wars. He lifted me, setting me on the landing. The strong hands caressed my back, and with his powerful, yet sensual kisses, he could’ve easily had his way with me. My body was on fire, my knees were weak, and I’d found a set of lips I enjoyed kissing and would continue to for the rest of his impromptu stay.
Until the morning sun.
“Go,” he urged, and he nudged to his room a few doors down.