Page 14 of Awake in Cheshire Bay
Our time together was over.
I’d spent more time with Antonio than originally expected and had dinner with a handsome man for the first time in a long time. As much as I had enjoyed the company of the charming Mr. Welsh, it was time to face reality, as fairytales weren’t real.
My heart undeniably heavy, I sighed. “Your crew awaits. Let’s get you back.”
Chapter Five
When we made it back to the motel, there were two flight crew members hanging out by the office. The epaulets on their crisp white shirts gave them away better than a neon arrow pointing straight at them. The smaller of the two, a female, wore the pilot uniform and the tall guy beside her was the captain.
Unsure if they spoke much English or not, I walked over and introduced myself, slowly and clearly. “Amber Middleton.”
“Pleased to meet you. I’m Captain Elijah Lancaster and this is my first officer, Miss Sorcha Browne.” His English was perfect, as Canadian as I was, but he had a hint of an accent. “Thank you for guiding our Mr. Welsh around. I hear you are good company.”
I turned and smiled up into Antonio’s face. “I was the lucky one to have someone so interested in hearing about my hometown and who let me go on and on.”
Sorcha lifted a lone hard-shell suitcase with the Swiss Army logo on it. “We brought the luggage.”
“What happened?” I was curious to hear the facts as it would be easier to put to rest the rumours I would no doubt hear in the bar.
“We got a lightning strike, which normally doesn’t do anything, but this time, it fried our system. She’s all lifted and towed off the runway. We have a crew coming in early tomorrow morning to repair, priority one.” The Captain looked over at Antonio as he spoke. “Should be an overnight stay tops, although we can make the call to get you to Victoria and over to Seattle for your meeting. It would be my top priority and utmost pleasure, sir.”
Antonio spoke his in foreign tongue, and I could only guess at what he was saying. Whatever it was, the stern tones weren’t meant for my ears or for me to understand. Until the words Sheshire Bay rolled out, I didn’t even figure it was anything about me.
The Captain cleared his throat and straightened himself out. “If you are sure, Mr. Welsh? We can have you back on the mainland in a few short hours.”
“I good.” He faced me and pointed to his jacket.
“Oh, sorry.” I removed the warmth, shivering as the cold air rushed underneath the weight of the jacket.
“Need keys.” He dug through the outside pocket and passed two over. “Give me moment.”
He grabbed his suitcase and after scanning the key number, searched for the flight of stairs. In a heartbeat, he disappeared.
“Is he always like this?” I laughed, hoping to break the ice.
Neither spoke. Oh great, these two were as closed up as he was, and they were all on the same side too since they all spoke whatever language it was effortlessly. The Captain broke away and stepped off to the side, typing feverishly on his phone.
Trying another tactic, I glanced around, avoiding the harsh glare from the first officer. “Have you eaten yet?”
“No,” the first officer spoke but she avoided eye contact with me.
Even from the side of my eyes, Ms. Sorcha Browne continued her roaming assessment of me. I’ve had less invasive visits from my doctor.
“There’s a place up the road.” I pointed back up the hill just to hammer home my suggestion. “The Grill. It’s pretty decent western food. We had dinner there not too long ago. If you prefer something more ethnic, there’s a great sushi place near the entrance to town.”
“Thank you, I appreciate the recommendation.” The inflections in her voice said otherwise.
Sorcha was beautiful, the kind of lady I could picture Antonio having a relationship with. They were both about the same age and there was a confidence to Sorcha I found myself envious of, that and she had the most gorgeous auburn hair in a nice braid.
In trying to keep my ambassador persona close, I spewed out a few tourist highlights, but they fell on deaf ears, just hard glares.
“I’ll retire for the night and keep my eyes on things.” She tipped her head to the side and locked her hands behind her back, thrusting her chest out. “Tomorrow is a busy day. Mr. Welsh must be out of here before morning. This stayover is not productive.”
I inhaled sharply and scanned the upper level, hoping Antonio would appear. Clearly these two were more than just his captain and pilot, but what else were they to him? Family, maybe? Perhaps Sorcha stared because she was a former lover? I wasn’t sure what her motives were, but I wasn’t about to ask either.
“Come hell or high water, he’s lea–”
Antonio’s heels clipped the wooden stairs, and all conversation came to a dead stop. At least between Sorcha and myself. As Antonio marched toward the three of us, he spoke rapidly and with a near angry tone as he spoke in his native language. It was quick though and ended with his crew stepping back, nodding, and plastering on a weak smile.