Page 11 of Awake in Cheshire Bay
I stopped babbling about the area and followed Antonio’s mesmerized gaze out to the sea. This place, my home, was truly a thing of beauty.
“When and if you get your luggage, I highly recommend you go check out the bay, and maybe even go for a swim. You won’t regret it. It’s cold but refreshing.”
The bay was beautiful, a little closed off from the rest of the Pacific edge so the waves didn’t crash and thunder against the shore. Instead, it was perfect for families as the little ones could splash and play without worries of an undercurrent pulling them away. Although this time of year, the ocean was a little cool, but it still felt nice. And curling up in front of a roaring beach fire was the perfect way to end it.
“See what rest of night brings.”
We left the view of the bay behind, and entered the grove where the temperature dipped, but the fresh scent of pine and spruce was ripe in the air.
Fall was one of my absolute favourite times of the year, the morning and evening air was crisp, and the afternoon was warm. Not everyone enjoyed the swing in temperatures, but I sure did. Mainly because I got to experience the peak heat of the day. My shift either ended mid-afternoon or started at that time.
The gravel crunched beneath my runners as we climbed the path, and tree roots appeared to twist and run alongside, if they didn’t pop up through a crack.
Antonio didn’t speak, and for once, I didn’t either, but I wanted to keep him talking, and not do so much thinking. His silence was a little unnerving.
“Are you a morning person?”
His lips parted slowly, and he stopped his pace as if trying to understand.
“Do you enjoy getting up before the sunrise?”
A broad smile filled his face, and he resumed walking. “Ja.”
“Then tomorrow when you wake up, if you do before the sun rises, come out this way, you’ll see the most beautiful morning. The mist rolls in off the sea, and the air is peaceful and serene, and sometimes you can hear a ship blow its horn in the distance.”
“You have done this before?” His melodic comment warmed my soul and sent a flood of heat over my chest. He was taking in every word, every syllable, as he stared into my eyes.
“Yeah. I’m an early riser. Always have been. Sunsets don’t do much for me, but a good sunrise? It can start your day off pretty magical.”
“I try to take in this sunrise.”
“Oh, you must.” I was so excited to share my love of mornings with someone. Maybe if I got up early enough, I could meet him. Good grief, what was I thinking? I’d just met the man.
Not paying attention as I chastised myself, my foot caught a tree root and I stumbled forward, arms flailing about.
A strong arm grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close, preventing my face from being gravel fodder. It took a second before he let me go, and I’ll be the first to admit, it was sure nice being held that way.
“Thank you.” My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed into his eyes, my breath completely frozen in my lungs.
“You are welcome.”
I stood there, facing him for some time until I felt I was able to walk again. My knees were weak, but not from the fall.
“You are okay?”
I shook my head to clear the fogginess in my brain. “Yeah. Sorry.” I put a foot or two of distance between us. “I should watch where I walk.”
“My sister is…” He circled his hand as if he was trying to find the right word. “Klutso? That is right word?”
I nodded. “Klutzy? As in she falls a lot?”
“Yes. I catch a lot too.” He chuckled at some memory. “You have siblings?”
“Had. I had a brother.” I muttered under my breath and turned to walk away.
The question had caught me off guard and caused the once racing blood to drain out of my head, and with it, the pounding ceased. In its wake, a knot of anger formed. Some wounds never healed.
“You do not need to talk. I understand family dynamics.”