Page 36 of Return to Cheshire Bay
“I came for you and the baby. It’s time foryou to come home.”
Eric inhaled sharply and inched to the leftto cover me more.
I stepped around him. This was about mypast. My indiscretions. My giant assed mistakes. “Parker, you left.You packed your drawer and took off. I didn’t hear from you for aweek.”
At least. Maybe more. I was more surprisedhe’d physically left than I was heartbroken about it.
“Well…” He tilted his head back as his armsgently swung by his sides. “I’ve had time to think and reassess mylife. Sure, I’m young to be a father, but think about it. The kidand I can grow up together. I’ll teach him all about The Avengersand Star Wars, and he can help me mature. It’s a win-winsituation.”
Young would describe it. There were eightyears between us, and he’d only graduated from university lastyear.
“I came here to make amends. To apologizeand bring you back home. Your friends are waiting. They miss you.I’ve missed you.”
I huffed. “Oh yeah?”
The joke tickled me because it was only Bethwho had kept in contact. To the others, I’d gone crazy, and theynever returned my calls or texts. I didn’t believe for a nanosecondthey missed me.
“They’re worried about you, Babe.” His voicesoftened. “Come home.”
There wasn’t anything drawing me in thatdirection. Despite the rumours and whispers, I was much more athome here in Cheshire Bay than I was back in my trendy apartment. Ibelonged on the beach; it was part of my soul. And I wanted to makesomething of my life with Eric. He’d been saying the sweetestthings moments before Parker’s arrival.
“I’m not interested. In fact, I called arealtor, and the apartment is going on the market at the end of themonth.” I rubbed Eric’s arm. “I’m staying here.”
“The hell you are.” His voice raised a fulloctave and echoed between mine and Eric’s place.
Enough to attract attention, and the lightfrom the bonfire flickered as the group walked towards my deck,with Mitch, Arlo, and Jesse in the lead.
“What’s going on?” Mitch asked, his voiceone of no nonsense.
Eric cleared his throat. “This is Lily’sex-boyfriend, who has tracked her down despite her refusal to seehim.”
“She’s carrying my child. I have every rightto be here.”
“Bullshit.” Eric’s voice gathered strength.“You gave up that right when you walked away.”
“But that’s my DNA in her. She can’t keep meaway. The people on the internet said I have every right to see mychild. To watch it being born, if I choose, and to be a part of itslife.”
“Actually…” I started speaking, but quicklysnapped my jaw shut. One thing at a time.
Eric carried on. “Any man worth his saltwould never abandon his baby or his baby momma. And you did both bywalking away like a god-damn coward.”
“But I’m back.”
Eric stepped off the deck, feet firmly inthe sand. “Gather yourself a lawyer and plead your case to thecourts. They’d love hearing about how you deserted her when sheneeded you most. Oh, and to top it off, if you’re not alreadypaying child support, they will come after you and make sure youdo. So, get your finances straightened out.”
Parker stared up at me, one eye on the groupto his left. “She can take care of me, right, Babe? You’ve alwaysbeen my sugar momma.”
I shivered, but not from the cold. Yes, Imade way more than Parker, but after a couple of years, or five,he’d catch up in salary. Parker hadn’t brought financial stabilityto the relationship.
He gave me his full attention. “Plus, youknow how magical we are together. Sex between us was out of thisworld. We were banging, animalistic almost. Every girl since hasbeen meh at best. But us?”
“Just shut up!” Suddenly, I wished theground would open and swallow me whole.
Parker stepped closer and tossed his handsup in protest when Eric, Mitch, Arlo, and Jesse formed a line.“Look, all I want is to be with Lily and the baby.” He gave me hisfull attention. “When I told Mom and Dad they were going to begrandparents, they were so excited. Lily, they bought us a crib,and a car seat, and so many clothes. They’re so proud of me, andhappy for us.” He faced me completely, arms dangling to the side.“Lily, we can work out our problems. I can be the man you need meto be. Just tell me what you want, and I’ll do it. I drove all thisway to see you.”
He got down on bended knee and put his handsinto a prayer formation.
I stepped closer to the edge of the deck,not wanting to get much closer, and wrapped my fingers around thelip of the railing. “Anything at all?”