Page 29 of Obsession
He didn't even see me coming. I sneaked up behind him and slit his throat, not deep enough to kill him on the spot, but deep enough to ensure he couldn’t fight back. I was going to leave him there and let the fucker bleed out, but that wouldn’t have been enough of a statement.
“You know who I am, motherfucker?” Bending, I hauled him up by his shirt collar. “My mother said I had your eyes. I went into her room when I was five after a nightmare. I tapped her shoulder to wake her. When she woke and saw my eyes, she screamed like a banshee. Took my dad five hours to calm her down.” I slid the tip of my blade over his cheek. “Remember when you marred her face like this?” He screamed as I dug the knife into his cheek, cutting a jagged line. “Take off your pants.”
“Whatever you think you know, you don’t, I promise you. You don’t want to do this, son.”
I gritted my teeth. “I’m not your son. The man who raised me took in a scared, pregnant woman and protected her and her child. My father was a good man. A decent man. You’re a piece of shit I’m about to exterminate. Now shut the fuck up and take down your pants.”
The fucker’s fingers trembled as he worked the buckle of his pants. He was shaking so badly that he was unable to grip the button. After a few failed attempts, I used my knife to cut the button off. “There. Now hurry the fuck up. I’m assuming you can pull down your zipper.”
I kicked him in the balls when he finally got his pants off.
“What the fuck, man? Why would you do that?”
I laughed. The fucker couldn’t be that dense. He knew I was about to gut him like a fish, and he was still concerned with his junk. I yanked down my zipper, pulling out my dick.
“What are you doing?” he gasped.
I’d never forget his quivering voice. I wondered if he thought I was going to fuck him. “I gotta take a leak.”
I aimed my piss straight at the fucker’s mouth. I’d drunk a lot of coffee that day. Wanted to ensure the fucker got the yellowest piss possible in his useless mouth. “Not so big and bad without your buddies, huh? Unlike you, I don’t need a gang to fuck up someone’s life.”
I gripped his arm and twisted until I heard a crack, rendering it useless. His screams were like Beethoven's Ninth, so beautifulthat I wanted to hear more. I grabbed his other arm and twisted until it snapped, making him sing like a lark.
“Shut the fuck up, or I’ll cut your tongue out.” I grabbed his tongue and slashed it from his mouth in one clean cut. “On second thought…” I shoved it back into his mouth. “Turn around before I cut off another body part.”
He looked ridiculous, slithering on the ground like a pathetic worm.
Once he got into position, I bent and ripped his underwear off him, exposing his ass. “Get on your hands and knees.”
It shocked me that he did as I asked, considering I’d just cut off his tongue and broken his arms. But the loser got on his hands and knees, spreading his hairy ass nice and wide. He squealed like a dying pig as I shoved my blade into his rectum and twisted, releasing a river of blood.
His body jerked as I kicked him onto his back. “Sure hope you keep that asshole of yours nice and clean.”
The little bitch was wailing like a baby. I figured I’d give him a pacifier to shut him up, so I shoved the blade down his throat and stabbed him until he stopped yelling.
Once he was no longer breathing, I grabbed the rope from the trunk of my car, strung him up, and cut off his balls, leaving them on the forest floor.
Margarete and Hans stare at me, but their expressions lack horror and disgust. Instead, they overflow with understanding, compassion, and a deep, heartfelt admiration that leaves me breathless.
“So now you know. I’m a rather creative and deranged killer. I will say this for myself: I’ve only killed people who deserve it.”
Tears stream down Margarete’s cheeks. “I’m so sorry your mother had to go through that and you had to witness the effects.”
“It’s why I think therapy is important. I don’t want either of you to turn out like her. I loved my mom. She did her best with the hand she was dealt, but I want better for my future. I plan on keeping both of you, but I need you healthy.”
Margarete climbs on the bed and straddles my lap. She gazes at me with lust and adoration, making me feel invincible as she leans forward to kiss me.
Margarete (Three Months Later)
The last three months have been tough since Hans and I moved in with Xander, but they’ve also been the most rewarding of my life. Therapy has helped me figure out much of my baggage, and Dr. Kitner is so sympathetic. Hans is also making progress. We’re thriving with Xander.
Xander kisses my head. “Have you picked a school yet?”
I stare at the pile of brochures on the table. Some are for schools on the other side of the country. I told Xander it was too far, and he simply said, “Let me worry about that.”
“I still don’t think I can afford this,” I say, gazing up at him.