Page 88 of Error Handling
“I would have given you the bed.”
“This will be better for everyone.”
“Dad already has me booked for a couple of days. He bought tickets for a dolphin tour and sailing.”
“Of course he did.”
I stand and begin pacing. “He’s not trying to steal me away, so don’t start.”
“I wouldn’t expect your father to change in his old age.”
“It was his idea to come to Folly Island first.”
“I shouldn’t have to check with him before making my plans.” Mom is bristling audibly.
“Yes, sometimes you should check with him.” I press my palm to my forehead. “It would make my life a whole lot easier.”
“I have no reason to talk to that man.”
“Mom, it’s been...years.”
“I know, but sometimes you have to cut people off. Anyway, it’s fine. As long as we get our time together, I’ll be happy.”
“We will.”
I glance out the front window just as Chris’s truck pulls up to the curb.
“Shoot,” I say. “Chris is here. I have to go.”
“Yeah, he’s my—” I almost say “handyman,” but I’m not ready to hear the “men must be mentally stimulating to be physically stimulating” lecture. Blech.
“Don’t say ‘hmm,’” I say. “It’s nothing.”
“Your voice didn’t sound like it’s nothing.”
“How did my voice sound?”
“Never mind. He just got out of his truck.”
“Is this related to your date the other night?”
“Yes. Sort of. It’s complicated.”
“How so?”
“There were two Chrises and I got mixed up and I kissed one and now the other one is about to open the front door. Mom, I gotta go.”
“You kissed one Chris, and you’re excited about this other Chris? That does sound complicated. Don’t turn into your father and start galivanting with more than one person at a time.”