Page 78 of Error Handling
Cassie walks in and grabs a fresh box of coffee pods from the cabinet. She tears it open and adds water to the Keurig. While the water warms, she leans against the counter with her arms crossed.
“So, Christopher Fonseca is taking you on a photo shoot and Chris Butcher is remodeling your apartment,” Cassie says.
“He’s not remodeling it. Just fixing a few things.”
“You know how to put your men to work.”
“They aren’t ‘my men.’”
“No? Okay, if you say so.”
I place a raspberry-flavored romaine leaf into my mouth.
“You know you’re going to have to choose one,” Cassie continues.
“It’s not a matter of choosing,” I say. “Christopher is just taking my headshots for my exhibit.”
“And you’ve been texting him back and forth.”
“How do you know?”
“I have my sources.”
“You’ve been talking to Christopher.”
“That’s weird.”
“My boss is checking up on my love life.”
“Ah-ha!” Cassie exclaims. “You just admitted it’s a love triangle.”
I quirk an eyebrow at my boss. Cassie just smiles, and then turns around to punch the twelve-ounce button on the Keurig.
“How are your evenings with Chris going?” she asks when she turns back around.
“Last night he tried to kiss me, and I fell backward on my painting that’s due Monday.”
Cassie’s mouth opens like she’s vacuuming up flies. Why did I just share that bit of information with my friend-boss?
“It was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. Then I told him I’d only kissed two people.” I plonk my elbows on the table and cover my face with my hands. “Why am I such a dork?”
“Are you afraid to kiss him?” Cassie asks.
“I don’t know.” I groan.
“Well, maybe you could practice on Christopher today.”
I drop my hands and gape at Cassie.
“Okay, maybe not.”
“Your life is so simple. You have a hot fiancé who lives in Charleston. I have a hot guy who is probably moving to PuertoRico, and another guy who is cute as a button and makes me laugh.”
“Hold up. One—” Cassie holds up a finger, “I’m pretty sure Christopher would take offense to being compared to a button, and two—” She joins her index finger with her middle one, “Chris is moving to Puerto Rico?”