Page 146 of Error Handling
Chris lets his carry-on slide off his shoulder onto the floor, which allows him to hug me unencumbered. We hold the embrace for a long stretch, and I savor the feeling of his body next to mine. It will be a while until we’re this close again.
Outside of work and school, we spent every moment together during the last two weeks. Every time I kissed him, I imagined I was depositing into a well that I can pull from when I start to miss him. We’ll see how that goes. The memory of a kiss isn’t the same, but it’s the best I’ll have.
“I’m going to miss you,” Chris says to the top of my head.
I nod and then nuzzle my face against his chest. I don’t want to let him go. I tell myself I’ll focus on school and work, and the time will go quickly, although he hasn’t told me when he plans to move back, and I don’t know when he’ll return for a visit. He said he needs to get down there, get acquainted with his boss, and figure out the rhythm of things before he can plan his first trip back.
We finally let go of each other, but not without engaging in a long kiss. Afterward, Chris cups my chin with both hands and kisses my forehead.
“I would say bring back some sand and palm trees,” I say, “but we already have that here. Why are you going to Puerto Rico again?”
“The pay is good, and I want to start my own business in a couple of years.”
“Oh yeah. That.” I say it with a smile so he knows I’m joking. “Do you have your phone?” I’ve quickly become accustomed to Chris’s propensity to forget things. Including important items.
He pats his back pocket and his eyes go wide.
“Did you leave it in my car?”
His face relaxes and he smiles. He pulls his new iPhone out and shows it to me. He traded in his old phone to make sure we don’t run into any technical difficulties when we FaceTime.
I breathe through a wave of relief. “Okay. Call me when you get there. After you’re settled in and everything, of course.”
“I’m going to be living out of two suitcases. There’s not much to settle.”
“You said you’re staying in a proper apartment with dresser drawers and a real bed.”
“Did I? I’ll find out when I get there.”
Truthfully, I want him to be comfortable down there, but nottoocomfortable. I shrug. “I guess that’s it, then.”
“I guess so.”
Chris pulls me in for another hug.
“Don’t meet any hot Puerto Rican girls.”
He chuckles. “I won’t. I’ll be spending most of my time with sweaty men.”
“Ew,” I say, wrinkling my nose.
“Yeah. Ew.”
“Rinse off in the ocean every once in a while.”
“I will.”
“Chris?” I look up at him. “Don’t worry about me. You can trust me.”
His eyes meet mine, his expression serious. “I know.”
“I’ll probably crochet five hundred blankets by the time you get back.”
His mouth cracks into a smile. “Make sure you leave the house sometimes.”
I smile back. “I will, but only when absolutely necessary.”
Chris glances at the security checkpoint. “I better go.”