Page 136 of Error Handling
“I did change my plans.” I rub my hand across my mouth. I need a shave. “I changed them for her. But...”
“But, what?”
“It’s complicated.”
“You can talk to me, Chris. Remember? The old dad who was always busy with work is gone. Now I’ve got all the time in the world to listen to your problems.”
“It’s not a problem.”
“It sounds like a problem.”
Do I want to spill my guts? Nothing he says is going to change the fact that I can’t fully trust Sarah. Once trust is broken, it takes effort to repair. Do I want to make that effort on a new relationship? Doesn’t it make more sense to cut it off?
I remember Sarah’s last text.Can we start over?
I don’t know if I can.
“Okay, yes. There was a girl. Thereisa girl. Her name is Sarah. We hit it off.”
“But I found out she was dating someone on the side. Sort of. And she kissed him. But she kissed him before she kissed me. And then she didn’t kiss him.”
“No, no. Let me make sure I understand this. Were you both in a committed relationship while she was dating this other guy?”
“Not...exactly. But I was repairing her plumbing, and her floor, and—”
“Did you let her know you wanted to be exclusive?”
“I told her I was moving to Puerto Rico.”
“So, you told her you were moving across an ocean—”
“—a gulf—”
“—making her feel you weren’t ready for any kind of commitment.”
I lean back and rub my eyes. “Maybe.”
“Do you feel she was obligated to tell you about this other fellow when you two were not committed?”
“I thought we had a connection.”
“Which included you moving to Puerto Rico and never seeing her again.”
“She mentioned FaceTime and Google Meet.”
“And what did you say?”
“Okay. I get it,” I lean forward, my elbows resting on my knees. “I gave her mixed signals. I know I did. But she could have told me she kissed Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man before I saw his text message saying he wanted to feel her lips again.”