Page 92 of Meet Cute Reboot
I thump my forehead with the heel of my palm a couple of times trying to knock some sense back into my head. This too magnifies the ache. I need some Tylenol. I collapse onto the butcher block instead.
My phone chimes across the room, near my couch. A shot of adrenaline allows me to lift my head and contemplate walking over to the living room. It passes quickly and I take a final sip of my coffee instead.
My phone chimes again. And again. I glance at the crumpled note beside the trashcan. It’s probably Luke. He probably wants to know I’m still alive.
I use the counter for leverage and push myself off the barstool. My phone is on the coffee table. I grab it and head back over to the stool, detouring for the bottle of Tylenol. Bolstered by the two capsules of extra strength Acetaminophen, I wake up my phone and check my texts.
Good morning, sleepyhead.
Are you regretting the wine?
I regret nothing, I type. I stare at the text before sending. It’s both lie and truth. I regret the wine, but do I regret those intoxicating kisses?
I add an embarrassed emoji and then hit send.
Luke responds with another embarrassed emoji. He quickly adds,How’s your head?
Screwed on and functioning, I say.
I think I left mine at your house last night,Luke responds with another embarrassed emoji.
Me:That’s unfortunate. I hope you have extras.
Luke:Nope. No extra heads laying around. I have modeling clay, though. Would that work?
Me:I hope so because Pudge gnawed off your nose last night.
I stare at my phone. I’m not sure what to say next.
Hey, Luke continues, relieving me of the burden of continuing my bad joke.If you’re feeling OK, I wondered if you wanted to finish our research tonight?
We never started our research, I say.
Heh. Right.
Dot, dot, dot.
Can I call you?Luke asks.
My phone rings. “How are you talking if your mouth is over here at my house?” I answer.
“This is becoming a little macabre,” Luke says.
“I blame my hangover.”
Luke chuckles. “So, you do have a hangover.”
“I had two glasses of wine. So, yeah.”
“Always the lightweight.”
“About last night before you left, I was a little buzzed and I might’ve acted a little out of character. Sorry.”