Page 77 of Meet Cute Reboot
“Maybe she really has to go.” Luke flicks his thumb across his chin and gazes at me beneath his strong brow. The angleof the sun emphasizes the well-defined planes of his cheeks, his squared-off chin.
“Sure.” I cross my arms and will myself not to break eye contact. I want to study his physique: the cut of his biceps and the appealing curves of his pectorals. But I command my eyes to remain on his, even as the intensity of his stare sends my mind reeling through memories of his skin against mine.
“I’m sorry I grabbed you earlier. I forgot where I was. I think my brain warped back a few years for a moment.”
“You didn’t grab me,” I manage to squeak out. “It was a side hug.”
His gaze softens. “True. We don’t do those anymore, though, do we?”
Surely he knows I can’t answer that. If I say side-hugs are acceptable, then it’s on. Next thing you know we’ll be kissing, and exploring, and...
I do love how my shoulder tucks perfectly under his arm. Like I belong there, a part of him, two puzzle pieces forming a larger picture.
“No. I guess not,” I say finally.
Luke looks down.
“I’ve gotten several emails from your neighbors,” I say, trying to extend the conversation.
I need to decide what I want. Luke’s arm around me or not? Luke’s attention or not? Sarah is right. I’m stringing him along. Using him. No matter what he did to me in the past, he doesn’t deserve this.
“I’m busy this weekend going into next week,” I add. “We’re launching into three new states.”
“I heard that through the grapevine. That’s a bold move. I’m on board.”
“Yeah, it’s going to keep me on my toes. But things should lighten up, say, next Thursday or Friday? Maybe we could gettogether and go through the emails. You could help me decide if a tour on your street is viable.”
Luke meets my eyes again and my stomach flutters. “Would cameras and livestreams be involved?”
“You know...” I fold my arms behind my back and lean against my car, mostly because my legs feel like they’re melting, but also to appear casual. I hope Luke buys it. If he knew what was really going through my head right now... “I think I might be over the livestreaming deal.”
Luke’s face brightens.
“I mean, we can check back in with Instagram now and then. We’ll have to, just to keep the ball rolling if you’re okay with that.”
“Of course.” Luke nods. “Then yes, I’d love to meet. Should we pick a Joe and Go?”
“I was thinking my place.”
I watch Luke draw in a breath. His posture relaxes. “I’d love that.”
“Okay, then.” I smile and give myself a shove off the car. Luke reaches around and opens the door for me. “I’ll text you the details,” I say as I climb into the driver’s seat.
“Looking forward to it.” He gives the door a light push until it latches. I feel his eyes on me as I pump the brake and reach for the Start button. He’s still standing there when the engine revs, and when I throw the car into reverse. I glance up at him.
He motions for me to roll down the window.
“You’re missing someone,” he says after I open my window a crack.
I’m not all here.
“Yeah. Thanks,” I say. “I’ll just sit here until she gets back.”
“Okay.” He gives me a low wave and walks away.