Page 62 of Meet Cute Reboot
“I think we need to jump on this,” Bethany finally adds.
“I think so too.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“I think we need to roll out to all of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.”
Sarah scrawls the states onto her pad of paper.
“We were going to work out the kinks in Charleston,” Bethany says.
I grab a pen from the holder on the corner of my desk and wag it between my fingers. “And so far, so good.”
“Except for the DoS attack,” Sarah says.
I purse my lips and then nod. “Yeah. Except for that. But it taught us how to do damage control.”
“I’m going to defer to you, Cassie,” Bethany says. “This is your baby. If your instincts tell you to go, then I think we should go.”
“Let me see if I can conference Drew in. Just a sec.”
I put Bethany on hold and dial Drew.
“I’m neck high in spaghetti. This better be important.”
“Um. Is this Drew?”
“I just deleted two thousand lines of cruft. You’re welcome.”
“I...don’t know what that means.”
“You wouldn’t.”
I quirk an eyebrow at Sarah.
She hits the mute button. “Why are you paying this guy?”
“Bethany says he’s good.”
I unmute the call. “If you have a moment, Drew, I’m going to conference you in with Bethany.”
“A moment isn’t a measure of time so I can’t quantify your request.” He over-enunciates everything, as usual.
Sarah covers her mouth and laughs silently. I bug my eyes at her, and she resumes note-taking position.
“Ten minutes,” I offer. “How’s that?”
“I can do ten minutes.”
“Great.” I take Bethany off hold. “Are you there Bethany? Drew?”
They both confirm.
“Great. Drew, I have something to run by you. I know you still need time to monitor the beta testing, but what do you think about rolling out to more cities?”
“Are you still there?”