Page 105 of Meet Cute Reboot
“How many are there?”
I almost drop my pizza.
“We don’t have to watch them all tonight.”
I giggle at the implications. Just like that, I’ve committed to a long-term relationship with Luke. The thought doesn’t bother me. Instead, I feel an unexpected peace. I sink into the couch, satisfaction rendering a soft smile on my lips.
While we’re watchingIron Man, Luke pulls a gray chenille blanket from his front closet and drapes it over our legs. We scoot together until his arm wraps comfortably around my shoulder. I grab his free hand under the blanket, and we lace our fingers together. As time passes and our body heat mingles, I can feel the faint thrum of his heartbeat through his palm.
The movie ends, mercifully, not because I didn’t enjoy it, but because I can hardly keep my eyes open. Luke fiddles with the DVDs in his library until he finds the right one. He pops thedisc into the machine and rejoins me on the couch, DVD case in hand.
I catch the title. “The Incredible Hulk?You’re kidding, right?”
“He’s a Marvel character. He’s been around for a while. Did you ever watch reruns of that show from the eighties?”
“There was an Incredible Hulk show in the eighties?”
Luke puts on his best grouchy face. “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”
“Is that how it went?”
“Every episode. I binge-watched them after we broke up.”
“So, you’re telling me this movie about a giant grumpy green guy is good?”
“Alliteration. I like that.”
“Thanks. I did it on purpose.”
“It’s not just good. It’s great.” He pulls the blanket over our laps.
“Better thanIron Man?”
“Did you likeIron Man?”
“Sure. It was okay.”
Luke widens his eyes at me.
“These movies are sacred to you, aren’t they?”
“I binge-watched them after we broke up. So, yeah. I guess they are. I have them all on DVD.”
“It sounds like you spent a lot of time on the couch after we broke up.”
“If ‘a lot’ means ‘all,’ then yeah.”
I turn my face away so Luke can’t see me smile. I don’t have much sympathy for the Luke who cheated on me, but I want to spare the new Luke’s emotions. I take a moment to relish the thought of him stuck on the couch after our break-up, and then I change the subject. “What comes afterThe Incredible Hulk?”
“Iron Man II.”
“Of course,” I say with a tired laugh.
“We don’t have to watch them if you’re bored.”
“I’m not bored.”