Page 17 of Moonlit Bonds
Mortimer raises his hand silencing all present, his face unreadable as if set in stone. “Kieran is our Alpha, has met all of the challenges over the years, and kept us thriving despite the difficulties we’ve faced. I’ve scryed to see the future, as taught to us during the years when the witches and the wolves worked together. For what is to come, we must unite against the real enemy, or we shall perish. I rule that the one who shall mete out Gloria’s punishment is the one who was most affected by Gloria’s actions: the witch.”
A loud gasp ripples across the space.
“You will not touch my daughter.” Jonas, Gloria’s father moved forward. “We grow tired of the chain you’ve placed on us. The wolves are not as strong as they used to be, and now you make a mockery of us by bringing her kind here and forcing us to accept her!” He spits at my feet and whips out a gun to point it at us. “You’re no Alpha of mine.”
The hairs on the back of my neck lift. I want nothing more than to rip out his throat and spit it back at his dying corpse. Until I see Seraphina step forward with her chest puffed out andher chin extended. I try to push her away, but instead she grabs my hand. Her simple touch soothes me. There have always been those who vied for my place, my power, but if I rise to their bait in anger, then it won’t be right for me to lead.
“I choose grace,” Seraphina whispers. “Whether anyone agrees with me or not, I choose grace. Compassion. And love.”
Words I don’t understand whip around me in a slow-moving wind. The amulet under my shirt warms against my skin until a heat rushes through me, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I watch as the gun Jonas brandished quickly turns to ash. Jonas’ look of shock must reflect my own.
“She shall remain a part of the pack,” I say.
Gloria stares at us, her jaw dropping open and her eyes flat. Her fiery passion has extinguished. She must have wanted revolution, something to fight for, but how can you go up against someone who wishes you only good? And Jonas… the weight of dejection pulls those once proud shoulders forward, until he no longer holds his head upright.
Defeated by love.
Gloria glances to her father, sees his reaction, and detonates.
“No!” she screams. She places her hands on each side of her head, and drops to her knees, staring balefully up at me. “Why didn’t you kill me? You knew she wouldn’t seek my demise?”
“Yes, I knew,” I reply. “Because that is what Fate has given us, a benevolent mistress. Just because your father has sought to undermine the pack doesn’t mean you have to be a part of his plan.” I face the crowd. “Let’s hear it for my mate, Seraphina. Hip Hip.”
How did she do it? She squeezes my hand in silent acknowledgment of my thought.
“Hooray,” the crowd joins in.
The people around us part, letting Jonas lead Gloria away and as we all cheer at the end of this day, I can’t help seeing Jonas, Gloria, and three other teenage wolves wander off.
I narrow my gaze and watch them depart. They’ll pose a threat. I’m sure of it. And one day they’ll return. Until then?—
I turn to Seraphina, to celebrate this moment, and she bats those long eyelashes at me.
“Did you mean it?” she asks. “When you said you love?”
“Yes, I love you, my Seraphina Rose.” I touch her chin and lift it to meet her gaze. “I think I always did. Your soul called to mine, even in high school. I was just too stupid to act on it. Our night together only proved those feelings were still there, after all these years.”
“I love you, too, Kieran.” Then I lose my breath, watching her eyes flutter backwards as she goes limp in my arms.
“Seraphina, Seraphina? Are you okay?” I asked, holding her in my arms. Worry lines my words.
She comes to a few seconds later. “Yes, it is about Gloria,” she replies with a groan, pressing her fingers to the side of her head.
Her eyes are clear again when they meet mine but it does nothing to stem my concern. “Don’t tell me more problems?” Did she just have a vision?
“No,” Sera giggles. “You’ve just created a sentinel in the pack, which will lead to protection from a growing threat. Those who will return to challenge you will be stronger, Kieran. But so will the family we create together.”
“Family?” Those words mean so much to me.Does she have any idea?
“Yes, and I will ensure we are ready for what will be coming, all of us.” She cups my face, and in that light touch, for a brief moment I see what she saw—the two of us standing together, with two kids, and a third on the way.
“Then I think we should get this handfasting done tonight. I’ve wasted so many years wondering what might have been. Now that you’re here, I’m not ready to waste any more time.” I call Mortimer back. “Mortimer, can you marry us tonight?”
“What about all of the traditions?” Mortimer asks.
“We only need to gather the pack,” my father comes up to my side. “I can call them all. Give us an hour to prepare. We’ll get it right.”
“Okay then,” Mortimer agrees. “1 hour and not a minute longer in waiting. I need my beauty sleep.”