Page 11 of Moonlit Bonds
“I will hear no more about you and that woman.” Mortimer turns on his heel, not waiting to be dismissed. “Take care of her or we will.”
It doesn’t matter, I tell myself. I’ll have to talk to the only person who’d understand…and he’s been dead to me for years: my father. If anyone understands my situation and might be able to offer advice, it’s him.
The thought of reaching out to reestablish contact makes my chest go tight.
Shit, I’m going to have to let Seraphina know I’ll be a little late for our meet up tonight. The door to the diner swings shut behind me and gravel in the parking lot crunches under foot.
The talk with my father might take a bit, and she’ll need to see my face and hear my voice to know this isn’t about my having to choose between my leadership and us…because Iwantan us. I want her days and nights and everything in between.
The decision has been made. Now there is no going back for me.
Those old wolves are too stuck in their ways to even consider anything different. Isn’t it the job of the alpha to usher his people into the future?
Love always wins.
And through love, anything is possible; I have to believe it.
Cars are parked in a long line of metal and I stop dead in my tracks, scenting fear. Pure terror dances in the air and I lean forward, drawing a deep breath into my lungs and tasting it. The fear mixes with the delicate scent of Seraphina’s skin.
Quickly I race forward. The scent is fresh. Another five minutes inside and the breeze might have taken it away.
I stop in front of her car, her scent strongest here, and take in the scene. The car is still there yet the gravel nearby has been kicked. Two sets of prints, I realize, narrowing my eyes. A small swath of fabric catches my eye and I grab it, bringing it to my nose.
A fight took place here and Gloria was involved. Why would she do such a thing?
Maybe I’m wrong. I pray to god I’m wrong. She’s probably in the diner and perhaps she lost this piece of her shirt earlier in the day? I want it to be true…but my instincts tell me that I’m lying to myself.
My strides eat up the gravel and I slam back through the door to the diner. Bursting inside, I hurry to the register and the surprised pup manning it.
“Candice, have you seen Gloria?”
Candice barely looks up from her duty as she pops her bubble gum. “Not at all, Alpha. Not since she said she was off to take care of something personal.”
Ice fills my veins. Something personal? “Any idea where she went?”
“Nope, my guess is she’s off pack land, though. She said not to wait up for her. Luckily, she was at the end of her shift.”
If Gloria has gone off pack lands, then she’s outside of my jurisdiction. Damn it.
I give Candice a quick nod and walk away, grabbing my cell phone from my pocket. The necklace falls out and I grab for it, the chain looping around my fingers. Maybe Seraphina is right.
I adjust the chain and slide it around my neck, hiding the necklace underneath my shirt.
Something is dreadfully wrong.
I unlock the screen and scroll to the number I’d made her put in my cell. The call goes to voicemail and the ice inside of me thickens. Everything else required of me is going to have to wait. Nothing can come above the safety of my mate.
Even the elder council.
It’s not that she doesn’t answer that worries me, but the sensation in my gut that something is more than wrong. And if I don’t get a move on, she won’t ever answer again.
Switching lines, I quickly dial the pack police and put out a BOLO alert for Gloria. What could Gloria do to her? And what might happen if I don’t find them in time?