Page 13 of Claiming His Prize
Todd’s stroking fingers calmed her, and she felt like she was wrapped in cotton, her mind muzzy as if she was surroundedby white noise. While she could hear the low tone of his voice and feel comforted by it, the individual words didn’t penetrate the fog in her brain. Dimly, she was aware of the restraints around her body falling away and Todd’s arms wrapping and lifting her.
Reality seemed to slip away, her mind numbing as her eyes closed.Sensation ruled—smooth, hard flesh, wiry hair against her cheek, gentle fingers on her side, the coolness of the air brushing along her skin.
Time became meaningless, and the next thing she knew, she was sinking into heat, steam rising from the water.Strong arms held her safe and secure around her middle. A sudden flare of pain as she settled into the bottom of the tub, the marks on her ass burning. She writhed, but her weak muscles were no match for the hands pushing her back down into the water.
“Shhh,” a soft voice murmured into her ear. “It will only hurt for a moment, then it will help.”
As if she had no control overher muscles, she still struggled weakly against the arms that were like steel bars around her waist until the stinging faded, along with her resistance. The heat enveloped her, pulling her down.The water smelled like lavender and was gentle against her skin, now that it was no longer stinging the welts across her buttocks. Todd cradled her, holding her head above water, and gently rubbed down herlimbs with a washcloth.
She was limp, although the relaxing bath actually seemed to be refreshing her, as well as relaxing her. As he rubbed the soapy clothover her breasts and stomach, she was slowly waking up under his ministrations. Despite the tenderness of his hands as he washed her, her beaded nipples were still very sore from the clamps, and she whimpered a little as he handled her.
“Good girl.”The whisper of his voice across her ear made her shiver almost as delightfully as being called a goodgirl.While in some circumstances, she might find it patronizing, coming from Todd, it always made her feel flush with pleasure as if it was the greatest accolade she could receive.
Twisting around slightly, she tipped her lips up toward his for a kiss. She caught a flash of amused dark eyes before his mouth slanted over hers hungrily. As much as she’d enjoyed the position he’d put her in for discipline, shewished kissing had been possible. She loved kissing Todd. He tastedlike warmth and sexy man, his tongue delving into her mouth as though he was justas eager to taste her.The clothin his hand rubbed over her stomach and hips ashisother armslid upward, tucking itself under her breast as he pulled her further into him, lifting her slightly tomake it easier to devour herlips.
Trapped by his arms, Allison couldn’t touch him the way she wanted.She rubbed her hands over the arm beneath her breasts, sliding through the hair on his forearm, wriggling back against him as if she could push herself farther into his body.The slick glide of his muscles against her back, lubricated by the water, felt wonderfully sensual.
Todd’s chest rumbled as he broke off the kiss with a small laugh. “I’m trying to wash you, Princess.”
“I’m not stopping you,” she said, giving him a little smile to go along with the wiggle of her hips.
“You have no idea how distracting you are.” He kissed the tip of her nose before nudging her, so she turned around again, her back resting against his broad chest, her head falling back onto his shoulder.Allison let out a happy little sighas he began to rub her with the soapy cloth again. “Insatiable, aren’t you?”
“Only for you.” Closing her eyes, Allison turned her headinto his neck, luxuriating in thewarmth of the bath, the tender care in Todd’s hands, and the comfort of giving herself over to his pampering.
“Are you going to open the door to that room without me again?” he asked.
“Not until you tell me I can,” she said, her voice fervent and felt the rumble of his suppressed laugh through his chest. As one hand pushed the washclothdown to her shaved mound, the othergently caressed her breast. Despite the softness of his touch, a littlezingof sensationwent through her nipples, causing her to shudder. It wasn’t pain exactly, but a sensation that walked that thin line. Her nipples were too sore for it to feel entirely good, yet Todd’stouch was too sensually delicate for it to be bad.
The rough washcloth rubbed over her tender pussy lips, stimulatingthe nerves there.Allison shuddered and moaned, her hands coming to rest on Todd’s strong thighs, placed on either side of her legs, allowing him full access to her body. This was an entirely different kind of sexual experience compared to their session in the sex room. He was making love to her with nothing more than his hands and soft kisses along her hairline.
Her breath caught as he began a ceaseless, coaxing rubbing between her legs,taking her bruised flesh and filling it with pleasure.Allison’s back arched, her hips moving with his clever fingers, the nubby fabric of the cloth giving her entirely new sensations.
“Cum for me, Princess,” Todd said as he nuzzled her head to the side before sucking her sensitive earlobe between his lipsand nibbling on it.Allison moanedas the gentle waves of her orgasm lapped at her, her toes curling as the delicious sensations rippled throughher. It was a much softer climax, yet even more intimate. He stroked her through the very end of her pleasure, then resumed his gentle washingas lassitude overtook her.
By the time he carried her to bed, she was practically asleep in his arms, completely sated from their activities.Todd curledaround her, tucking her smaller body into hisown as he smiled into her hair.
“I love you, Princess,” he said into the darkness.
Almost a month later, Allison still hadn’t seen thesex room.
Of course, she’d also been behaving herself, and considering how much the caning had hurt, she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back into the room.Apparently, one blindfolded session in there had been enough to give Todd more ideas about things he wanted to do in the room before he let her see it.Sometimes, she could hear him working on wood and metal in there, constructing who knows what.
She probably would have been more curious, but it was time for mid-terms. As an English major, she didn’t have midterm exams, but she had papers due, and writing a paper took her a lot more time than studying for an exam. Although she had to study for two exams as well. Students were discouraged from taking more than three English classes during any given semester due to the amount of reading and writing involved. So, she still had to study for her science and her history exams and had to write a short paper for history as well.
It didn’t give her a lot of time to ponder the sex room. Besides, Todd was more than inventive in their own bedroom, so she was completely satisfied. Even after she was done with her midterm papers, her thoughts mostly turned toward graduation.
Graduation was constantly on her mind for a myriad of reasons. The biggest one wasn’t that she’d soon be done with school. It was a reluctant desire to call her parents and see if they could makeup.She hadn’t heard from them since that message from her mother,which meant they knew she was stillwith Toddand not back together with Roger, although she saw Roger occasionally since he was dating Diana.Since Todd had called Roger to let him know Diana had snooped through things she had no business snooping through, the two men had struck up acautious friendship and seemed tobebecoming more comfortable with each other.
It helped that Roger was obviously smitten with Diana, and Todd could tellAllison was happy about that.There had never beena high amount of sexual tension between Allison andRoger when theywere dating, and nowtheir relationship had settled intoan easy-going, platonic friendship.They would huga greeting or a farewell, occasionally touch if they were passing each other,but there was no way for anyone to misconstrue their actions.They just didn’t have that kind of chemistry between them. Whereas, wheneverAllison looked at Todd, she would get alltingly and excited.
The look in Roger’s eyes when he was with Diana was something she’d never seen before, and Diana was happier than Allison had ever seen her, although she tended to view Todd with suspicion. Apparently, he’d started giving Roger a few pointers on keeping Diana in line.For the first time, Allison had the treat of seeing Diana a bit on edge in a relationship,the same edge Allison constantly felt she was walking. It was fun to tease the guys, but go just an inch too far, and they risked finding themselves draped over a masculine thighwith their bare butts in the air.
The relationships were makingeveryone happy except Allison’s parents. She couldn’t believe they still hadn’t come around. Despite everything, she’d thought they’d want to see her graduate. Even if they didn’t think she needed adegree, it seemed like the kind of milestone parentswouldn’t miss. At least, caring parents wouldn’t miss it. And not hearing from them as the end of the school year loomed closer, convinced her more and more,they didn’t care.
As if he could sense her distraction and depression, Todd was making a major effort to spend a lot of time with her. Not just going out, but also spending time at home watching movies or playing board games, spending time with friends.And, of course, engaging in hot, rough, wild sex whenever he could get his hands on her.She was enjoying her work, doing well in school, loved her friends, and Todd was everything she could ask for in a live-in boyfriend. Truly, her parents were the only negative spot in her life.