Page 5 of Forcing Her Hand
Glancing around the room, she decided it looked perfect. The light violet walls and white curtains on the windows made it look girly but inviting, innocent but sensual. Her sheets were 1000 thread-count, Egyptian cotton, and silky soft, welcoming, and sensual with their deep violet color. That morning, she had arranged the sheets, so they were casually pulled back as if she had tossed them off in the morning and just hadn’t gotten around to putting them back in order, leaving a decent amount of bed space free. Just enough for her and Roger to lay on if one of them was on top of the other. Hint hint. Around the room, there were little hints too—a picture of them on her desk, a lacy bra hanging out of her drawer to tantalize, and the sweet smell of roses coming from a vase filled with the flowers by her bedside. In fact, it was the dozen red roses he’d brought her on their last date.
For food, she had champagne to get him a little looser, little finger sandwiches, asparagus wrapped with prosciutto, chocolate-covered strawberries—a double aphrodisiac—and regular strawberries with whipped cream. If watching a romantic movie with all those great finger foods—which also worked as aphrodisiacs—and her sexy little outfit didn’t do it for him, she’d admit being at a total loss. The irony of the situation made her smile. She was wooing him like most guys would woo a reticent girl. Still, she didn’t mind the effort, and it did add a little suspense to the situation. Will he, or won’t he?
Since they were staying in, she figured she should dress casually for him—a former boyfriend had once said he thought girls were sexiest when dressed casually. It showed they felt comfortable. So, maybe the drastic difference in her look might make Roger more likely to go after her. Perhaps her stylish hairstyles and dressed-up appearance made her intimidating or hard to approach. For tonight, she was wearing a red scoop-neck tank top with a built-in bra, so she still had cleavage, but her nipples could poke through, and her breasts would jiggle a little when she walked. Other than that, a pair of satin underwear and loose pajama pants that had the “Sugar Baby” candy logo all over it. Brown curls tumbled loosely about her shoulders and face, with just a hint of eye shadow and mascara. It had taken a lot of thought to look casually sexy and pretty, more so than when she dressed up, even if it had taken less work to get herself ready.
Diana was going to spend the night at Chad’s—not for the first time—so there was no way Roger was going to be able to say no if she did it right. The main trick would be to make him thinkhewas making all the moves.
When the doorbell rang, Allison jumped up, strangely nervous, and went to answer the door, tilting her head flirtatiously as she opened it to see Roger holding a box of Godiva chocolate truffles. She loved truffles.
“Ohhh!” she squealed, bouncing slightly like a giddy child, so her curls and her breasts bounced sexily. It worked—he was looking at her chest as it jiggled. She grabbed the box and kissed him, passionately and aggressively. He never seemed to think she was too forward when she was aggressive after he’d given her a gift. “Thank you, Roger, you’re too good to me.”
She gave him a wide, inviting smile as he stepped in, and his eyes roaming over her body. That hungry look flashed in his eyes, then was subdued. Allison was determined to bring it out of him again. He was dressed casually in khakis and a designer t-shirt. They quickly settled on the couch with the food in front of them.
Toward the end of the movie, his fingers started lightly stroking her arm, and she could tell he was watching her now rather than the television. Acting like she was paying close attention to the movie, she sighed happily as the couple shared a passionate kiss in the rain, her breasts heaving as she lifted her chest with each breath. Taking one of the strawberries—even though she wasn’t really hungry anymore—she dipped it in the whipped cream and put it to her mouth, making sure she got some of the cream on her lip. Pretending she didn’t notice, she went back to watching the movie, but Roger’s eyes were riveted to the white sweetness on her pouty lower lip. Using one finger, he ran it along her lip, then lifted it from her face. She looked up at him, pretending to be startled at the touch. With his finger to the side of them, they were now “accidentally” in the perfect position for a kiss. He didn’t let go of the opportunity, his mouth lowering onto her slightly parted lips, caressing them with his own.
Seeing him lifting his hand toward her shoulder out of the corner of her eye, Allison shifted slightly—as though she was turning into the kiss—and his hand landed on the top of her breast. For a moment, it seemed as though he might pull away, then his fingers started lightly stroking her breast, teasing her nipple to hardness through her shirt. Turning into him even more, she let her hand rest lightly on his upper thigh, fingers barely moving as she gently stroked him, trying to keep it subtle, more of an invitation than anything else. Roger liked things slow, she reminded herself. Sliding his hand into her shirt, he cupped the underside of her breast, stroking the hard pebble of her nipple with his thumb. Allison let her hand tighten slightly on his thigh as arousal swelled in her core. She could feel his dick, hard against the back of her hand, but she didn’t do anything to let on she’d noticed—not yet.
His other arm went around her waist, pulling her even closer, and she let the back of her hand press against his extremely hard dick as her body was shifted almost into his lap. Gently squeezing her breast, he massaged the soft globe with his fingers, and her pussy leaked heavily as the light touch teased her mercilessly. Arching her back, she tried to press her breast more firmly into his hand, and he squeezed roughly for a moment but released as soon as she moaned. Their tongues danced in each other’s mouth as he rubbed and stroked her breast, making her squirm with need. Finally, he pulled away and looked deep into her eyes as his hand slid out of her shirt and placed both arms around her waist.
“Is Diana going to be back soon?” It was always the first question he asked, and she felt a little thrill of excitement go through her—good old Roger, right on schedule.
“Nope,” she said, smiling as if she had no idea where this was leading to. “She’s out for the night with Chad. He’s taking her dancing and then back to his place to watch a movie.” For some reason, Roger thought that all her acquaintances and friends were as innocent and ladylike as he thought her to be, including Diana. For her part, Diana was so amused by the way he treated her, she acted like a high school innocent when he was around. It completely cracked her and Chad up after Roger left, the things he said to Diana and the way he treated her “tender” sensibilities. Allison had to admit, it amused her too.
“Would you like to take this into the bedroom?” His gaze was serious as he looked down at her. That hint of something glinted in his eyes, and she felt her insides quiver in response. Okay, so he wasn’t Todd—who she wasn’t supposed to be thinking about darn it—but he was here, which was more than Todd could say…stop that. And he wanted her—still more than Todd could say.
Before she could manage to depress herself, she firmly focused on the gorgeous man in front of her. Tilting her head, so her curls bounced a little, and she looked as innocent as possible, she replied, “I think that would be okay.”
Startled, she laughed as he stood and swept her up in his arms. They probably looked like the cover of a bad romance novel—except she was wearing far too much clothing. She was ready for some serious romancing and some seriously hot sex. Roger laid her down gently on the space she’d prepared on her bed. Smiling, she innocently stretched as though working out the kinks in her muscles after sitting and watching a movie. Her back arched and pressed her breasts up as one of her feet ran enticingly along her calf, lifting one of her pant legs to expose her smooth, shaved leg. A moment after she finished stretching, she looked up at Roger, who was watching her with avid lust in his eyes. Yes, she was definitely playing this perfectly.
When he sat on the bed next to her hip, she sat up and brushed his hair back with her hand, knowing the slight touch would get him to touch her. As she slid her fingers through his hair to the back of his head, she pulled him toward her slightly, and he leaned forward to press their lips together. Their tongues danced as his hands stroked the soft sides of her stomach and hips. Her body tingled as he slid his hands under her shirt, pushing them under the built-in bra, then he pulled away from the kiss in order to lift the shirt from her body. Allison helped, raising her arms, so her heavy breasts hung exposed and free, arching toward him. As they kissed passionately, his hands sliding over the smooth skin of her back, she slid her hands under his shirt and around his sides, stroking the small of his back. After a few moments, he pulled away and lifted his own shirt over his head, and she ran her hands up to his shoulders. The light touch passed over his stomach, then his nipples, making him shudder from the teasing sensation. She just continued acting like she had no idea what she’d just done as if she’d just been trying to get her hands up to his shoulders. In truth, she was trying to get him so aroused, there would be no way he’d back out of sleeping with her.
Roger’s body slowly pressed down on hers, maneuvering so he was between her legs when she was laid back on the bed, and they continued to kiss. Her hand was wrapped around his shoulders, deftly making light circles on his upper back and neck with her fingers. Pulling away, he started to move his mouth down her neck, sucking gently on her skin as his hands caressed her breasts gently, teasing her nipples with his fingers. Finally, his mouth moved to her breast, and she moaned softly as his tongue made little circles on her tingling globes. Very gently, very subtly, she moved her hips against his body, not wanting to scare him off, now they seemed to be finally getting somewhere—if she wasn’t so horny and anxious, she would have been amused at the irony of her thinking. When it came to sex, Roger was more the girl in the relationship.
Mouthing her nipple, he very lightly sucked on the tender, aching bud. Allison longed for him to nibble or suck it hard, but he did neither, just moved his mouth to the other nipple, mouthing that one as well and causing her to wriggle as the touch tantalized and teased. The light suckling only caused her nipple to ache for more attention. Moving his mouth away from her breasts, his hands and lips began to slide down her stomach, causing her to lift her hips and moan. He didn’t seem to mind this time, and she thanked her lucky stars, it was the response he expected. Pulling her pants down her hips, he slid his fingers under the sides of her underwear and pulled them off her long legs. Looking approvingly at her furred mound, he began kissing up her leg, starting at her ankle. By the time he reached her inner upper thigh, Allison was clutching at the soft sheets, her body frantic with need for completion.
Sliding his tongue up the center of her slit, Roger reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom. Allison almost told him he didn’t need it, but then remembered he’d said a gentleman always uses as many forms of protection as possible. She watched, her pussy leaking sweet juices, as he pulled off his pants and rolled the condom over his rock-hard dick.
Leaning over her body, he kissed her lips sweetly as he guided the head of his condom-covered dick into her hole. Slowly, he worked his dick in and out of her pussy, pushing more and more of his dick into her wetness, one slow centimeter at a time. Bucking her hips only helped so much, but he finally hit home. Kissing her neck and shoulders, he began a slow, tantalizing movement in and out, the gentleness of his thrusts barely brushing her swollen clit. She rocked against him, trying to press more of him into her, but she couldn’t do anything about the agonizingly slow pace of his thrusts.
Finally, her pussy aching with need, she moaned in his ear, “Oh... Fuck me, Roger, fuck me hard.”
Completely shocked, Roger pulled back and looked at her, his expression showing his astonishment at her brazen words. Allison bit her lip, afraid she’d gone too far, but his gaze softened as he looked at her anxious face.
“Allison,” he told her, kissing her gently on the lips. “I told you I’m not that kind of guy, you don’t have to pretend anything with me. I don’t need you to act like some kind of sex object to get me going. I think you’re wonderful, sexy, and beautiful, just the way you are, and that’s all I really need. I don’t want you to act like anything else other than yourself.”
Smiling, he kissed her again, passionately and deeply.
Allison felt more like cursing than ever. The fire was building between her legs, her clit aching to explode in orgasm, and her pussy dripping juices down onto her expensive sheets, but nothing was happening that would bring her to completion. And he was telling her to be herself. Ha! Obviously, he really did think she was the prim and proper society woman her parents expected her to be.
She pushed her hips up against him, but her own movements were more frantic than his and trying to rush him just threw them off rhythm. The intense teasing kept building and building inside her, and she closed her eyes to try to hide the frustration she felt as he moaned softly into her hair. Finally, his thrusts became a little harder as he approached his own climax, and as his dick buried its full length into her pussy, she managed to orgasm—a small wave of pleasure that barely took the edge off of the aching need that had built in her. He did nothing to help her orgasm reach its highest peak. It tapered off disappointingly soon as he held in place while her body bucked underneath his. Apparently, though, her gasps and moans as her body heaved were enough to satisfy him, she’d been pleasured, and happy, he kissed her deeply.
When Roger pulled out from between her legs, she realized she hadn’t even felt him cum, the condom removing almost the feeling of having him inside of her and the intimate joy of feeling his release. Smiling, hiding her disappointment and frustration, she excused herself to go to the bathroom and clean-up, leaving him lying on her bed, completely content.
In the bathroom, she leaned back against the wall and roughly pinched her nipples, pulling on them hard to fulfill the aching need for a firm touch. Squeezing her round breasts, she pulled and twisted the heavy globes, then returned to pinching and rolling her nipples with one hand as she let the other drift down to her pussy. Rubbing her swollen clit, she started cumming immediately, her orgasm crashing over her as the long sexual teasing had brought her so close to the brink of pleasure without actually fulfilling her. Biting her lip to keep from crying aloud, her body pressed into the wall as she pinched her aching clit, the pain driving her orgasm even higher as her body unloaded a whole day’s tension with pleasure and fulfillment.
Her muscles quivering with satisfaction, Allison went back to her lover, snuggling beside him on the bed. Roger smiled at her, completely unaware of her extracurricular activities in the bathroom. They kissed again before settling into cuddling and pillow talk.
In her head, though, she wondered if he’d ever be able to fulfill her needs the way she wanted, or if she’d be stuck with her memories of Todd and wishing her new lover was him.