Page 28 of Forcing Her Hand
After about a month, she could tell something was bothering him. Initially, she brushed it off as something work-related, but then he started acting even more oddly around her. After another three weeks, Allison caught that look in his eye again, and she’d had enough. One of the things she valued most about her relationship with Todd, other than her passionate feelings for him, was the fact he always communicated with her, usually rather bluntly. So, feeling as if he was hiding something from her was really starting to get under her skin.
“Okay,” she said, crossing her arms and glaring up at him. “Have out with it.”
Todd was startled. Normally, Allison didn’t confront him… or glare at him.
“Have out with what?”
“That look in your eyes. You get this weird look in your eyes like I’m doing something you find upsetting, but you never come out and say what it is. So, have out with it. What’s going on?”
The angry tone in her voice sparked a flicker of anger in him. After all, it wasn’t like he was the one that had been doing anything wrong or hurtful.
“Why are you ashamed of me?”
Allison gaped at him, her jaw and arms dropping, honestly shocked by the question. Where on earth had that come from? She was proud to be with him and showed him off constantly.
“What on earth are you talking about?”
The tone of her voice was a mixture of horror, he would think such a thing, along with complete surprise and confusion. It reassured him immensely but confused him. He was still angry after having bottled up his feelings for weeks. Todd wasn’t accustomed to feeling unsure of himself.
“When are we going to anything with your family, Allison? What happened to your family dinners and your parties? You’re perfectly willing to come along to anything I want us to do, but you keep me carefully hidden away from the people in your life.”
“You think I’m hiding you?” Now, Allison’s ire was up. She had a quick temper, although she was also quick to forgive. Since coming home, Todd hadn’t set her off, but obviously, the honeymoon period was over. How dare he make an assumption like that? “If you think I’m that kind of person, why the hell are you with me?”
Todd threw up his hands. “You tell me. I’ve been waiting for weeks for you to decide I’m worthy of being introduced to your parents, but you never even bring up the possibility. My parents don’t live around here, yet I’ve mentioned I’d like you to come with me the next time I visit them. Your parents are right here, and I haven’t heard one word about them.”
She hadn’t realized how much her time with Todd had distracted her from the pain of her parent’s rejection and the fact they still hadn’t reached out to her because their damn status meant more to them than their own daughter. Now, he was throwing that in her face, although logically, she knew he didn’t know. Allison didn’t talk about it because it hurt too much, but hearing him assume she was just like them, that she was hiding him away because she was too concerned with how it would ‘look,’ not only infuriated her, it hurt her deeply.
“Because they told me not to bother contacting them until I was ready to apologize for suggesting I get to choose who I date. Because they kicked me out of their house and told me not to come back, all because I wanted to go on a date with you for my birthday. I chose you over them, Todd. How dare you make it sound like I’m an uncaring, snobby, socialite bitch!” Her voice had gotten higher and louder with every word until she was practically screeching. The import of her words hit Todd hard. He didn’t know how to respond, so he just stood there and took it, then continued to stand in bewilderment as Allison burst into tears and ran down the hall to her bedroom.
Damn, he was a jackass.
Ruffling his hands through his dark hair, he turned and followed his girlfriend down the hall. Why hadn’t she told him? Well, duh. Obviously, she was still pretty beat up about it. Understandably. What the hell was wrong with her parents? She was right about him making unwarranted assumptions, which were obviously false. She’d told them about him from the very beginning.
Despite the fact he’d just made the woman he loved burst into noisy sobs, Todd couldn’t keep the grin off of his face. Here he’d been thinking she was using him like some kind of low-class stud, good for the sex and the fun, but not someone she’d actually have a real relationship with. But that wasn’t it at all. Allison loved him too, and now, he knew it.
Todd tried her door, but it was locked. So, even though he’d obviously just tried to walk in, he knocked.
“Allison, let me in.”
“Go away.”
Damn, she was still crying.
“I’m not going to apologize to a door.”
Silence. Footsteps. The door opened to Allison’s wide-eyed, tear-streaked face.
“You’re going to apologize?”
He couldn’t help it, he laughed. For a moment, she looked as if she was going to get mad all over again, then she giggled.
“Yes, Princess.” He tapped her on the nose. “I can apologize when I’ve done something wrong, but don’t expect it to happen often.”
Allison rolled her eyes, but she smiled. She loved Todd’s playful side… and his serious side…. and his sexy side. Pretty much all of his sides, although not the side that had hidden his gripe from her for so long. Getting an apology was worth it, though.
“I’m sorry I made assumptions. I should have asked you about it instead of bottling it all up. I just didn’t want to push you. I wanted it to be your idea.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I wasn’t talking to my parents,” she said, looking down at her feet. Todd hadn’t been the only one withholding information. There was no reason why she shouldn’t have told him.