Page 2 of Calling Her Bluff
A finger trailed down her thigh, and Allison shivered, becoming wet between her legs. Shocked eyes turned to look at him. Men didn’t just reach out and touch her intimately, certainly not in public. The smirk on his face made her want to slap him… or kiss him, which was just about the stupidest thought she’d ever had.
“What do you wish, Allison?” His voice was lower, more intimate. She found herself leaning toward him without knowing why. The fingers that had just touched her leg brushed across her cheek, sweeping tumbled curls back, tucking them behind her ear. “What do you want?”
God, what a question. What did she want? Allison bit her lip, looking at him. What she wanted, she could never have—a normal life, the option to jump in the sack with the hot man in front of her and have crazy hot sex. But if it ever got out… Even now, she was risking her father’s wrath by being in a bar with him. Of course, no one here should know her, so it shouldn’t get back to her father. She should be safe. This was not behavior he would approve of and would infuriate him—no lower- or middle-class men for his darling girl.
Fingertips trailed across her cheek again, then curved under her chin. Todd’s thumb pressed against her parted lips, rubbing the lower one sensuously. Allison barely managed to stifle the groan in the back of her throat. His dark eyes seemed to burrow into her, reading the rebellious and wild nature she kept carefully confined, hidden away behind the façade and mask of upper-class respectability. With a wrench, Allison leaned back, pulling herself away and giving a half-laugh.
“What do I want? I want to be able to just be me.” Taking a long swallow of her martini to wipe away the bitterness in her voice, she made a face as the words tumbled from her mouth. “Sometimes, I wish someone would just come along and make me do all the things Ireallywant to do. Capture me and take me away. Or blackmail me into doing them, so at least it wouldn’t be my choice, and I wouldn’t have to feel guilty.”
When Todd leaned forward, the movement caught her eye, and she turned to look at him. The intensity in his gaze made her insides tighten in a way she’d never felt before.
“And what do youreallywant to do?”
Allison looked back at him, into those melting dark eyes that seemed to look into her darkest desires and see her clearly without judgment. Her heartbeat fluttered, increasing as if she was running a race.
Shit!How could I have been so stupid?She was sitting in nothing but her g-string, across from Todd, and there was nothing in her poker hand—absolutely nothing. What made it worse was he was down to his boxers. Whoever lost this hand was the loser of the whole game. All she could do was hope he didn’t have anything better than a Queen high.
After the bar, Todd had asked her if she’d ever played strip poker—of course, she hadn’t—then he invited her over. The alcohol and the daring expression in his eyes after her confession had provoked her into saying yes. Talking with him, admitting there were experiences out there she craved and had never had, made her feel even more rebellious. His apparent approval of this side of her let her feel free to indulge a little. Plus, strip poker sounded like fun—especially with a smoking hot guy like Todd. It also sounded dangerous, and Allison wanted a little of both. She’d texted her mother and told her she was having a study session with a friend and would eat dinner out.
Now, she realized she’d gotten in way over her head.
The pretty brunette didn’t even realize her face showed everything that was going on in her head, not that Todd was spending all that much time looking at her face. Her pert, 34C breasts with their puckered pink nipples were finally on display. He could see her face any time he wanted—this was something special. Todd subdued his impulse to grin at her discomfort, enjoying that she was exploring her wild side with him. A few of the guys from his frat had dated her, and he knew none of them had seen this much of her. True, she’d probably never date someone from his background, but he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Under her prissy and overly mannered exterior, there was a wild child just waiting to burst free, and he found himself fascinated by the small glimpse he was getting. Not to mention the spectacular glimpse of her body.
When Allison put down her Queen high, Todd almost groaned. The three Jacks in his hand seemed wasted when hers was so completely lousy. Still, it’s not like he could truly be upset since he was finally going to seeallof her gorgeous body.
Allison glared at him, hazel eyes sparking with anger and pride. The smug jackass was grinning, waiting for his victory. She couldn’t take it. It wasn’t a sore loser thing, but she was angry at the world right now. Something had to go her way in her life. Somehow, she felt sure humiliating Todd, making up for her embarrassment last semester when he’d turned her down, would do that. The plan to leave him at the bar wanting hadn’t worked out. She’d wanted to see him naked and preferably hard, so she could set him down and withhold the view of her own body.
“One last hand, all or nothing,” she demanded.
“We just had the last hand, and I already get to see all.” Todd leaned back, raising his eyebrows, and waved his hand, telling her to get on with the show.
Allison felt reckless, and her nerves hummed with energy. For the first time in her life, she really felt fully alive.
“Really all or nothing. If you win, I’ll be yours completely, to do whatever you want with for tonight. If I win, I get the same. And I meananything.”
Taken aback, Todd thought quickly, no emotion showing on his closed face. Who knew what embarrassing things she might have him do? Allison could have a mean streak, and he was sure if he lost, she’d be the only one getting satisfaction tonight. On the other hand, if she lost…
“Alright.” He gave her a stern look. “But you need to take off your last item now. I have to lose twice in order for you to win the night.” She looked at him aghast. “It makes sense. If you hadn’t proposed this, then I’d be seeing what’s under that delightful thong right now, and you’d have just lost the game.”
Grimly Allison agreed. She wasn’t sure what had spurred her to make the wager, a desperate need inside of her, perhaps. Her best-kept secret was she was still a virgin. Her mouth wasn’t, but she’d been very good about not letting anyone into her pants. Todd was exactly the wrong kind of guy to lose her virginity to, yet right now, it seemed like it might not be that bad of an idea. He certainly gave off the impression that he knew what he was doing, but only if she lost.
If she won… She wondered what the wavy black hair on his head would look like between her legs.
Fate must be against her, she thought glumly. It was her worst hand of the night. Discarding three cards, she perked up a bit when she ended up with a pair of Jacks. Maybe it wasn’t the best hand in the world, but it might not be the worst either. She could still pull this off.
No such luck.
Todd had managed another trio, three tens this time. As she looked up at him, she realized his eyes had changed from vaguely interested to something much more intense.
Her earlier conviction that losing her virginity tonight was swept away in sudden fear. Quickly standing, she tried to babble out some reason why she had to leave. As she turned to make a run for it, reaching down to scoop up her clothes, Todd jumped up from behind the table. Her nerveless fingers dropped the clothing, and she found herself pressed up against the wall, her cry of protest cut off as he covered her mouth with one broad hand. Heart pounding, she froze, like a deer in the headlights, unsure of what to do or where to run.
Hard hips trapped her from behind, pressing his erection into the softness of her ass cheeks. Allison’s breasts were flattened against the wall, her nipples hard against the cool, smooth surface. Oh God, why was this so hot? She realized being trapped was turning her on. She had to get out of here before she listened to her body and did something she’d regret later.