Page 14 of Calling Her Bluff
Allison got out of the car incredibly worked up, her nipples sore and her pussy unfulfilled. Todd drove away with a cheerful wave.
Fortunately, her parents were out. As was becoming a habit, as soon as Allison got inside and was in the privacy of her own room, she masturbated. Closing her eyes, she could see the two men watching her as the blonde licked her pussy, remembering the guy who watched as Todd fucked her up against the window. Picturing their faces, she came hard on her fingers, one of which had somehow slipped in her asshole, making her feel even fuller as her holes clenched and shuddered.
She laid there, completely exhausted, and pulled her fingers free. Only three more dates. Could she last three more dates without becoming completely sexually depraved? And what would she do when they were over?
Family dinner got a little bigger Monday night when her father’s sister, her husband, and his son, Chad, came over. Chad was obnoxious, even for a step-cousin. His dad had been married to her Aunt Linda since she and Chad were in high school. Being the same age, their parents thought they should be friends, but Allison missed her aunt’s previous boyfriend and hadn’t been very welcoming to her new uncle or cousin. It didn’t help that one of the first things Chad had said to her was he was descended from royalty, so she needed to be nicer to him.
Although she’d known she hadn’t been very welcoming, that really ticked her off, and her overly sensitive teenage self had been infuriated. She’d responded by emphasizing he wasn’t really a member ofherfamily at all. Then she’d spent the rest of the summer teasing his teenage hormones mercilessly, allowing him to catch small glimpses of her body. She’d developed at a pretty early age, but even if she hadn’t had a killer body, it’s not like he’d have stood a chance, anyway. The poor guy had eventually retreated anytime he saw her coming.
The damage had been done. They still didn’t get along. She thought he was an idiot with a stupid sense of humor, and he thought she was an obnoxious tease. He had slightly better control over his hormones, now that he was older, but that didn’t stop him from checking her out. Allison ignored him, her method for dealing with him after he’d started enjoying, rather than being humiliated by, his reactions to her.
Even though they went to the same college—in fact, he was in Todd’s frat—she rarely saw him. That was one of the benefits of going to such a large school.
“How are you enjoying school, Allison? You only have a year left after this semester, correct?” Aunt Linda beamed at her.
“Yes, I’m very excited about graduating.”
“What are you going to do after?” Chad asked. “You don’t seem like you’re any closer to getting your Mrs. Degree.”
Everyone else chuckled indulgently as Allison speared a piece of asparagus on her fork, determined not to let him get under her skin.
“I’m thinking about going into publishing,” she said, which wasn’t entirely true since she hadn’t really thought about it at all, but if she had, publishing seemed like a good choice, and it wiped the superior smile right off of his tanned face. Chad was attractive enough with a decent build and sandy blonde hair, now that he’d grown out of his gawky adolescence, but she always saw him as the skinny dope she’d been introduced to years ago. “What about you? Have you decided on a major yet?”
The tone in her voice was sweet, but the question was loaded. Chad was a year older, yet no closer to graduating because he kept switching his major. Her aunt’s mouth tightened, and her father shot her a ‘look.’ Apparently, it was one thing for Chad to make a joke about her dating life, but another for Allison to make reference to his lackadaisical attitude toward completing college.
“I’m so lucky I have a passion for reading,” she said smoothly, segueing and taking the attention away from Chad. Not for his sake, he obviously couldn’t care less, but to prevent the blow-up from her aunt. While she loved her husband, Chad was not all she might have hoped for in a son, and he didn’t react well to Linda’s attempts at motherly nagging. “Being an English major is so fulfilling. I would love to have a job where I could sit and read books all day.”
“That sounds lovely, dear,” Aunt Linda said, her smile slightly stilted but softening. She turned to her brother. “How is business?”
Meaningless small talk resumed around the table, most of which Allison ignored. Her thoughts were on theTaming of the Shrewdiscussion in class today, more specifically, where Petruchio had beaten and starved Kate. Allison had to wonder if the beating had taken the form of a spanking, and if Katherina had liked it as much as Allison had liked the spanking she’d gotten from Todd.
* * *
We’re going to stay in this Friday. Make sure you’re looking your usual beautiful self. Hair down. Come to my place at 5 pm. Wear a long coat. Under the coat, you can wear a bra if you want, but you have to wear thigh-high stockings and heels, nothing else.
Practice stretching your ass out this week. You need to get over that little boundary, and you’ll appreciate the practice before Friday.
See you then, beautiful.
Your Frog Prince
* * *
Allison snorted at Todd’s signature. He seemed to get a kick out of signing the damn things “romantically.” It made the whole situation a little more surreal. Re-reading the email, she winced. She really had enjoyed herself last week, and the fact he noticed just made her feel more ashamed—and horny.
She needed thigh-highs. Stretching out her ass was going to be a little more difficult… but she’d already started putting one finger in her tight hole when masturbating. The dirtiness of the act made it more exciting than anything else. She had told Todd she wanted to go wild, wanted to be forced into her deepest desires… was all of this going to turn her into a decadent slut? Did she care?
Sighing, she grabbed her purse to go shopping for thigh-highs.
* * *
“Chrissy, oh my God, how are you?” Allison gushed into the phone, incredibly happy to hear her only real friend’s voice. No wonder she’d become so involved with Todd so easily. It wasn’t like she had much of a life to call her own. More and more, she was becoming aware of how her life and social events centered around her parents’ lives and social events. Seeing Chrissy’s number on her caller ID had made her so happy—finally, a girlfriend to talk to!
“Oh, I’m doing fantastic. I was just thinking of you the other night when I went to this sorority party on campus. There were so many eligible men there, you wouldn’t believe! The girls out here are all jealous of me as if it’s my fault none of them can afford a Gucci purse or decent shoes. They were all doing their best to ruin my chances with the guys who are actually worth anything. I wished you were there with me because then we could have tag teamed…”