Page 46 of Monster's Mistake
“Kind of,” Meic responds. “Kind of not.”
I press my hand against his chest. “You’re going to have to elaborate.”
“I can’t,” he responds. “First time with the knot, remember?”
“Then I guess we’re going to have to try a few things.”
A satisfied grin forms on his face. “How did I get lucky enough to find you?”
“Well, you say I’m your fated mate,” I respond. “So I’d say fate is what made you lucky enough to find me.”
“Then I owe fate a lot,” he murmurs.
“You and me both.” I wrap my legs around him, pulling him deeper.
Meic groans and pushes into me, sending all rational thoughts scattering from my brain. I never thought anyone would fit me this way, that I’d feel as if I’d found someone who could set me alight.
And it’s even more amazing that it’sMeicmaking me feel this way. I suppose the pull towards him that I’ve always had makes a lot more sense now.
I give into the sensation of being with him, glad that this wasn’t going to end for a while to come.
Warm arms holdme tightly and it takes me a while to remember that I’m not alone. I let out a contented sigh, nestling further into Meic and enjoying the warmth of the blankets surrounding us.
“You’re awake?” Meic asks gruffly.
“Mmhmm.” I twist around in his arms so I can face him. I reach out and trace the lines of his face with my fingers. “We fell asleep.”
“We did,” he responds.
“Hopefully, we haven’t been missed.”
“Oh, you’re definitely going to get the third degree from Anja,” he jokes.
“Maybe I’ll just stay here instead. Who needs the rest of my education.”
He chuckles.
I lean in and press my lips against his, a sweet and tender kiss that’s full of emotions. There’s no doubt in my mind that last night was important for us both.
We break apart and Meic runs a finger down my cheek.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Great,” I respond.
He lets out a sigh of relief. “I worried you were going to be sore?”
I frown and consider the statement. “Only in a good way,” I promise.
“There’s a good way to be sore?”
I give a half-shrug, which is impressive when I’m lying down. “It’s more like I can tell that we spent the night together, but it doesn’t hurt.”