Page 39 of Monster's Mistake
I smile and lean in to kiss his cheek, not lingering too long in case Frank decides he wants to take a bite of him again. He’s been reasonably behaved the last few days, but I still worry every time the two of us are alone, or too close together. And I can’t wear a turbanallof the time. Though it’s been helping me feel more relaxed when the two of us are alone.
Meic puts a hand on my back and I lean into his touch. I didn’t realise until he started paying me attention like this that I missed being touched so much, but there’s no doubt that’s the reaction I’m having to him.
He pulls back to tear apart some of his chicken.
Frank slithers out of the nest of snakes in my hair and I freeze. He’s been sulking since I milked him, and staying fairly hidden, but he seems to have decided that enough is enough.
Anja freezes on the other side of the table, watching me with concern in her eyes. I’m lucky to have a friend who cares as much as she does. Or maybe she’s just worrying that I’ll need her and Cethin to break into theCharms and Potionsclassroom again and risk getting them caught.
“Hey, Frank,” Meic says, flashing the snake a friendly smile. It’s certainly friendlier thanI’dbe if I were in Meic’s position.
My snake hisses.
“It’s not beef from the sandwiches, but will it do?” Meic asks, holding out a piece of fried chicken for Frank.
My heart pounds in my chest as I wait to see what my snake does. I don’t want him to bite Meic, but I know that we have to try things if we’re going to make this work. Once we accept the mating bond, there’s going to be no going back, and that means Meic is going to be in my life for a long time.
Frank moves so far towards Meic that there’s a slight tugging on my head.
“Careful,” I murmur. It’s not often that one of my snakes tries to get that far away from me.
Meic gives me a questioning look.
“Him, not you. Except, also you. Don’t let him bite you or you’ll have to avoid me and any other gorgons for the rest of the day.”
Frank takes the chicken from Meic and wolfs it down without even a nibble.
“I don’t care about the other gorgons, but I’m not avoiding you,” he says before leaning in. “If he bites me, we can bring the blindfold back.”
My breath catches in my throat.
“Though I’d prefer not to be bitten, we’ve been having a lot of fun without it.”
“Yes?” He picks up his smoothie and seems to take a drink in order to hide his wide grin.
“We shouldn’t talk about this here,” I murmur.
To my surprise, he nods. “Do I need to bribe your other snakes, or is Frank enough?”
“The others don’t seem to dislike you as much, I think you’re fine.”
“All the more chicken for Frank, then.” Meic holds out another piece to the snake. He’s playing with fire by doing it, but I kind of love it. His acceptance of the snakes being part of me means a lot.
“I have a gorgon question for you,” Anja asks, making me glad Meic agreed to change the subject.
I raise an eyebrow. “Go on.”
“It’s about Frank.”
“Isn’t it always,” I mutter.
She gives me a strange look. “It’s just, I never hear you talk about the other snakes. Or is it all Frank?”
I shake my head. “There are five of them,” I respond. “Frank is just in charge.”