Page 85 of Talk About… Dramay
“I like that it wasn’t all gushy right now. My emotions are a mess and it fit the moment,” I said with a shrug as he released me. “But how perfect would that be? Are you going to try and join in the rest of the community center stuff or just for art?”
“You know, I don’t know. It depends on what they’d need, but I wouldn’t be against it. I’m already invested in this town and if I can put my skills to work, I’m all for it. I’ve missed the sense of community I had at school and the nursing home,” he admitted.
“I know life is a bit upside-down right now but I have a really good feeling that the pieces are going to start falling into place.”
As if on cue, I heard the back door slamming open, because alphas were the opposite of gentle, and voices echoing in. The amount of teasing and laughter there only added to the mushy feeling already growing inside of me.
They had taken Cameron under their wing in a way. The others included him when they could and refused to let him punish himself. It was making it so much easier for my omega to trust him and I think they realized that.
When they came in, their eyes went from us standing inches apart, to the front door, then back again.
“What did we miss?”
“Only Mayor Adams recruiting Ro to be part of starting a community center and heading the art program there!” I said, clapping my hands excitedly.
Lane whooped and rushed over to tackle the other beta in a hug while Hudson and Tate congratulated him. Cameron was last, giving his shoulder a squeeze and a genuine smile.
“Rockwood Valley needs that. They’ll eat it up, just you wait,” he promised.
Roman was blushing adorably at this point but Cam looked at his watch and swore.
“Shit, I have to go. If I miss work again, my brothers will kick my ass. Avery, too, because we’re missing out on content.”
He gave a look that said exactly what he thought about keeping up with social media.
“Though, the comments have been hounding me since someone posted about my omega. I try to avoid the comment sections these days. People are relentless.”
Roman winced. “That… uh, was me. In a moment of frustration.”
Cameron snorted and shook his head. “I deserved it. Maybe you guys can swing by the bar sometime and I can introduce you on live.”
“I’d like that,” I said, perking up. The thought of showing every girl thirsting after him that he was mine had the omega inside me practically preening.
Was it a bit petty? Hell yeah. But I think I’ve earned that right.
“Actually, I think we could swing by in a bit,” I said, biting my lip to try to stop myself from smiling like a villain.
“Oh god, Princess. What are you planning?”
“Nothing,” I sang out. “Get to work, Cam. See you later!” I leaned up to kiss him once before rushing off to unpack more, ignoring their worried chatter.
I wasn’t going to do anything, per se. More like go home, dress up, maybe call the girls for help, and look hot as hell.
I’d had to see girls thirst after the alpha who kicked me to the curb. The messages were disgusting and desperate enough that I was ready to stake my claim loud and clear.
I also knew damn well that if I played my cards right, this night could end with one very happy and sated omega.
Multiple orgasms, here I come.
I giggled to myself as I finished putting away another several boxes before it was late enough to head home.
“I’m ready to go!” I called out. The guys didn’t hesitate to drop everything and start locking up. It wasn’t our first day doing this, so they had it down to a routine.
I had to admit it was nice being free to do my work knowing someone else had my back.
“Have you guys considered working with me here? I mean, the three of you since Roman is a community man now and Cam has the bar?” I blurted out, surprising all five of us.
“Like, help you run the shop?” Hudson asked, curious but definitely not against it.