Page 60 of Talk About… Dramay
I’ll ask Grace and Hailey. They might know someone at the school
My friend Maddie is a teacher. I’m on it, too.
You guys are the best. We’re all going stir crazy over here.
What about the other guys?
They work remotely so they’re covered.
And what about you? I hear you’re a girl into antiques.
Yes, the attic is full of boxes she’s collected over the years. She’s done it since she was a kid and Steve introduced her to antiques.
I don’t know your situation, but you should go check out that place on the corner of Main Street and Jackson. It would be the perfect shop for it.
I chewed on my lip at the thought. After my present this morning I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
I’m picking you up in five. Be ready.
Well, I guess that decided it for me. Excitement bubbled up inside of me. I stood up so abruptly the others startled where we’d been lazing on the sectional.
“Brandon is picking me up in five minutes to check out a building in town. If you want to come, get ready,” I said.
“For what?” Roman asked, but I was already gone. I was being ridiculous and I knew it, but part of me was afraid to speak it into existence.
I’d barely pulled on a cute fall dress and boots before the honking outside had me rushing back downstairs.
The others were waiting, having pulled on hoodies and shoes and looking far too delicious for that little effort.
“Let’s go!”
“Where?!” Hudson demanded but I was already rushing outside and diving into the front seat, giving Brandon a wicked grin as the others followed, grumbling.
“Will you tell us where we’re going?” Hudson asked. It was killing them not knowing and a small giggle escaped. His sharp eyes caught mine and he narrowed them. “Oh, you’re playing games, Love?”
“Like father, like daughter,” Brandon said, cracking up as I ignored them. “I’m staying out of it.”
It didn’t take long to pull up to the old building. Like all the older buildings on main street, this one was a dark brick as well. The windows wrapped around both sides of the shop, and the door was embedded in the corner of the structure, two slim windows on either side.
The awning was faded and tattered, but with a replacement and a solid power wash, I could see it being perfect.