Page 57 of Talk About… Dramay
It had been a long time since I’d walked through here and I was happy to note my asthma had improved outside the city. I was no longer taking puffs of my inhaler during every excursion. In fact, outside of my daily medication, I hadn’t needed it much since being back.
Something I hoped would continue.
Eventually, I made it to the stream. The old rock I used to perch on seemed so much smaller these days, but then again I was a teenager the last time I was here.
I settled onto it anyway, the cold stone harsh against my skin but I let it seep in. My eyes drifted closed and the sun hit this spot perfectly, quickly warming me and the rock the longer I sat.
As the minutes passed, the headache started to ebb away. I sipped my coffee and simply absorbed the feeling of home.
This had always been my spot and I was happy to reclaim it.
And the best part was that this was never mine and Cameron’s, just mine. It was something he couldn’t take from me.
Cameron. I frowned at the thought of him. I’d spent so many years clinging to my hurt and frustration, but now that I was home and he was trying to prove he had grown up and changed, it was hard to stay angry.
My fingers drifted over the old mate mark on my wrist. It was long healed and no longer sensitive, but that was because our bond had shriveled up completely.
Would it even be possible to get it back?
Movement behind me had me turning, expecting Roman to be next to me, but it was my dad.
“I stopped by to check on you,” Adam explained. “They said you disappeared into the woods. Roman followed you but said you looked like you were peaceful so he is hanging back at the treeline giving you space. I don’t have the same reservations.”
A laugh bubbled out of me. My dads were a lot of things, and overbearing was definitely on that list.
He walked over and dropped down right on the moss and leaves, looking out at the water.
“You did always love this spot,” he mused.
“It’s peaceful out here, like the rest of the world can’t reach you,” I said as I glanced around. For me, these woods had always held a certain kind of magic.
“I hear that you and Cameron met up last night,” he started, his voice careful.
“We did, though my pack was there.”
He nodded slowly, finally turning to face me. His expression was guarded and I braced myself for whatever words of wisdom he wanted to impart.
“Just say it,” I sighed. It wasn’t going to be worse than I’d said to myself.
“You sure you want to try with him? Last time he had your heart, he shattered it and we lost you for thirteen years, Oriana.”
The pain in his voice was palpable. My chest ached sharply as I let his words settle in.
“We are bonded mates… or were. Part of me needs to know if he’ll ever be what I need. And if not, I have to let him go finally.”
“That’s fair. Just remember you have other mates as well,” he said. “Don’t push them away to focus on the one who hurt you.”
“I’m not,” I said, voice sharp and indignant. I’d give everything to Roman… and if Lane and Hudson weren’t going to be leaving in three weeks, I’d do the same for them.
My stomach churned at the thought of them leaving. It had been only a few days and they’d already settled so easily into my life. They fit here at the house and with me and Roman. Our friendship was easy and they were both attractive.
But I couldn’t let myself get too close. I wasn’t even sure why I was lying to my dads about it. I could have told them why the guys were here.
Yet, I didn’t want to.
It seemed too pathetic when I said it out loud and I liked them a bit too much to truly deny.
He looked far too pleased with my instant frustration at his words. He held his hands up.