Page 42 of Talk About… Dramay
“Good,” I managed, a bittersweet feeling filling me. I was so happy she was embracing her softer side now. The other part of me was sad I’d missed it all.
There were so many things that had changed and I couldn’t ever get that time back.
I’d let an alpha chase me away and rob me of time with my family.
“Hey, Princess, it’s okay,” Lane said, pulling me into a hug.
“He took so much time from me,” I managed to get out.
“You can’t change the past. But you can live in the present. Soak it all in, Princess. It’s your life and you get to decide where you stay and when you go,” he reassured me.
I nodded, at a loss for words. How could someone be so perfect for me, yet not my mate? Again, I wished I could scent him.
“It feels unfair I can’t have your scent,” I pouted.
“You’ll have it,” he reassured me, eyes full of promise. My heart pounded as I thought about why he’d react that way. “I stopped the blockers last night.”
“You did?” I was shocked. It was in our contract he’d have them. “Why?”
“I want you to have all of me, Oriana,” he said simply.
Just like all the other moments around my family, this one was stolen away as Adam walked in with a leaf blower. Brandonand Mom shouted as he chased them out of the kitchen, sweeping the flour out of the door as he went.
He came back for us next, Lane tugging me out the back door and into the yard. Adam went back in, blowing a cloud out the door that had Steve cursing and tugging his laptop out of the war zone before he lined us up and dusted us off in the most ‘dad’ way ever.
My hair was crazy now, my clothes clean, and happiness radiating from me. Lane was right. I was ready to soak in every single moment I had in this chaos.
Rockwood Valley was home, but my family was why I truly loved it, and I was never turning back.
Now, if only my impending confrontation with Cameron could go this well, I’d be golden.
My omega was back in town. I’d heard her name in the gossip more than once today as I did some shopping for the apartment.
I’d also noticed the stares.
Everyone in this godforsaken town knew she was mine and that I’d fucked up worse than any other alpha could. I’d pushed away, humiliated, and hurt my omega beyond repair.
Now she had a life that didn’t include me.
Bitter jealousy and pain burned in my throat as I moved through the aisles, stopping in the alcohol aisle to grab a fresh bottle of whiskey.
Then Tucker’s fucking voice was in my head, warning me that this wasn’t going to help. Instead, I left the alcohol section and pulled open our chat.
Fuck you.
Keep your head on straight. Fix this. Don’t run and hide.
I don’t know why you’re convinced she’ll give me the time of day.