Page 4 of Talk About… Dramay
That could only mean that the nosy beta next door was back. I swear that old woman lived for gossip. Every day her husband left for work and she made it her job for the next eight hours to torment the rest of us.
Biting back a sigh I opened the door, blinking up at the beta in surprise.
“Roman, you’re early.”
“I had a feeling you didn’t take an hour to get ready and I didn’t want to leave you to your thoughts too long. I was afraid you’d come to your senses and run away from me,” he teased,holding out an iced coffee. I was too shocked to do more than grab the coffee.
“Thanks,” I said, my voice barely a whisper.
He gave me an easy smile and gestured to the door. “Adventure awaits, are you ready to go?”
I tucked my small wallet into the pocket of my jeans and grabbed my keys. All of my clients were settled and I didn’t want the interruption, so I put my phone on silent and tucked it into my other pocket.
“Ready,” I agreed, locking up behind us. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
“Breakfast,” he said simply. “Any allergies or things you hate?”
“Nope, I like trying new things, so I’m open to anything,” I said as he tucked my hand into his. His palm was warm against mine and it radiated up my arm, as if just a single touch was forming a tentative bond between us, giving us a starting point.
My body relaxed against his, our shoulders brushing as he led me down the sidewalk. He felt like a giant next to me, nearly six feet to my five foot five frame.
We didn’t say anything else as he led me to a midnight blue Charger. Like a gentleman, he opened the door, helped me in, then leaned over and buckled me in.
My heart slammed against my ribcage as he brushed a kiss over my forehead, his scent clouding around me and filling me with that strange comfort I’d only ever gotten from him.
He was so careful with me, like I was delicate.
I knew how strong I was and this didn’t feel like he was undermining that, only reminding me that it was alright to be cared for, too.
That not everyone would break me.
Tears stung at my eyes but I blinked them away and put a smile on my face.
He got in then turned the heat on for me, even clicking on the seat warmers.
“My uncle actually owns a little bistro down the road. He won’t be in, so don’t worry, I’m not springing family onto you already, but I’ve been craving the crepes,” he admitted. “Tell me you have a sweet tooth, too?”
“I’ve been known to crave a sweet treat now and then,” I said with a laugh, relaxing a little more in his presence and the cozy warmth now surrounding us. “And by now and then, I mean at least once a day. I love chocolate as much as the next omega, but I’d do just about anything for a good pastry.”
“Noted,” he laughed, the sound slightly raspy as he shoved his curls back to look at me. “I’m an awful baker, but I know how to drive to find you one. We can hit all the good spots in the city.”
The fact he was planning ahead was both terrifying and sweet at the same time.
“I love to bake, but for some reason I’m awful at baking, too,” I admitted. We shared a smile, that warmth building in my chest again before he turned away to look at the road.
This felt like teenagers flirting. Stealing glances and learning every little detail we could.
Roman promised that we had all day and we were going to lay it all on the line, let each other in, and if I wanted to leave… I could.
But already I knew I wouldn’t. Even if my heart broke all over again I didn’t think I could walk away from him now.
Not when he gave me those smiles that said, ‘I see your sadness and I promise to take it away.’ Not when his scent filled the air and calmed me in ways I didn’t know I needed.
“We’re here. I’ll get your door,” he said, giving me a playful glare before rushing out of the car and to my side before I even had time to unbuckle.
“Thanks,” I said, biting my lip to stop the stupid smile on my face. It was too easy to smile around him and it felt so strange on my face. I hadn’t smiled like this in far too long.
He held out his arm for me and I looped mine in his, letting him lead me down the sidewalk. We’d barely made it a few feet before he stopped so abruptly I would have face planted if not for him holding me steady.