Page 25 of Talk About… Dramay
Now he was making it clear everything was an act.
He could shove his outdated opinions up his ass for all I cared.
“I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure, Charles. If you’ll excuse me.”
He watched, stunned, as I packed up my briefcase and stood to leave. The old alpha knew damn well why I was here. He should also have known that it wasn’t a guarantee. There was never a promise, written or verbal.
“Where are you going?” he demanded in a growl. If he started to alpha bark at me I wouldn’t hesitate to tell everyone how vile he was under the surface. Not to mention, it was illegal to use an alpha bark to coerce legal proceedings.
“Not your concern, Charles. You’ve made your thoughts of me clear and I don’t stay where I’m not wanted.”
My heels clicked on his tiled floor as he gaped at me, mouth wide and face growing a deeper red every second that passed. His stuttered yells filled the room and that awful tobacco and lemon scent that lingered around him was pulsing in the air, making my stomach turn.
“Good luck with him,” I told his secretary. She was an older beta and from the grim look on her face, she was about two seconds from quitting this job.
It took until the elevator hit the lobby for it to sink in. A smile spread across my face.
I did that.
When he showed his true colors I didn’t hesitate to stand up for myself and let him dig his own professional grave. This city wasn’t small, but the real estate circuit was. There was no doubt in my mind that tales of this meeting would spread like wildfire.
Especially when I handed over my client list.
I don’t know why I’d felt like Charles would be a good choice. He’d gone out of his way to help me. And even though I had my own reservations, he trulyhadhelped my career along.
Even if we hated it, sometimes a name could hold strength.
Then it hit me.
My clients were used to working with me, an omega who understood and never swindled them. They wouldn’t have beenhappy being strong-armed by Charles or any of the other alphas in the circuit.
I had my phone out, my fingers flying over the keyboard to search for upcoming omega realtors. I’d been in a bubble with my client list and I hadn’t been networking like I used to.
There were several, but one omega with a bright smile and a few clients who wrote raving reviews was enough for me to find her address. It was only a quick drive across the city and I didn’t hesitate to type it into the gps and head that way.
The office was cute. She’d made it bright and welcoming, an omega’s touch giving it a less sterile and modern touch and a bit cozier. It was genius, honestly, and I wished I’d thought of it myself.
What better person to trust to find you a home than the omega who made her office feel like one?
Scent-dampening spray filled the air in intervals, making it smell only like a fresh linen air freshener. In this business we were forever stocked up on de-scenting sprays for our home tours. It was a delicate dance to keep the previous pack from overwhelming the potential owners.
When territorial instincts were involved things could get tricky.
“Welcome to Ryler Real Estate, can I help you?”
The omega greeting me was not the girl I saw in the picture. I was pleased to know her office was up and running enough to have staff, meaning she could easily handle the client load I was handing her if she agreed.
My clients were happy with the homes I sold them, but in a city like this, ever changing and new things popping up, I’d sold multiple places to the packs in these files. They would be back for more, and once I had everything squared away I would be calling each and every one of them personally.
“My name is Oriana King. Could I speak to Emma Ryler? I have something I think she’d be interested in.”
At my name the omega’s eyes widened and she nodded quickly. “Of course, Miss King. Give me one moment.”
She was flustered now, nearly tripping over her feet to get out of the room. It felt strange that my name was what caused her to scurry off like that. I was just a sad omega from a small town who worked her ass off to get here.
“Oriana King… in my office?” Emma said as she walked out, giving me the same bright smile in that picture. “Is there something little old me can help you with?”
She extended her hand and I shook it. I loved that she didn’t shy away from the greeting.