Page 18 of Talk About… Dramay
I had to cling to those feelings, to not let this darkness pull me under.
“Okay, but I’m checking in tomorrow. And you know that our house is always open. That or your grandmother’s place. I’ve been itching to help you fix it up,” he said.
I wanted nothing more than to be in my favorite town in the world, living in the home that held some of my fondest memories.
All I ever wanted to do was be close to my family and raise one of my own. Maybe it was the only child in me that wanted to be as close to them as possible.
Yet how could I live somewhere that my heart would be broken every time I saw my ex?
As I tried to calm my raging emotions I opened PackVlog to browse mindlessly. It wasn’t long before someone shared something by the triplets. In the last few months they’d gone viral and now I was forced to see my former mate’s perfect face gracing every social media platform imaginable.
It was a mix of Maverick being dark and broody, Nash putting up sexy thirst traps, and Cameron doing tutorials on mixing drinks. Their lives were a hot mess of comments and flirting.
Yes, I had tortured myself a time or two by joining just to see his face.
The comments turned my stomach. They were shameless and borderline stalkerish. I couldn’t imagine saying this to anyone’s face, I guess that’s why they comment on the lives. Anything to grab their attention.
Callme:They’re so sexy, I’d take a knot from any of these alphas, but all three would be even better. #Iwon’tbeabletowalkforaweek #signmeup
Dogmom54:An alpha like you deserves to have an omega on her knees every time you walk in the door. I look pretty damn good on my knees. DM me and I’ll send a pic
FutureMrsWhitaker:They could scent mark me any day!
Then the fighting started in the comments, a barrage of tearing each other down and acting like any of them had a chance.
Betasdoitbetter:Knot likely
FutureMrsWhitaker:More likely me than you #SlickBitch
Betasdoitbetter:You must have knots for brains if you think he’d choose you over me #fightme
FutureMrsWhitaker:Better knots for brains than no knots at all #PoorKnotlessOmega
They went on like that on every single video. The triplets shared an account so I couldn’t tell you who of the three was replying but they were flirting back just as hard.
It was fake as hell. I knew those three and none of them were the flirty playboy types.
Then again, people changed… I knew that a bit too well.
I’d never met three alphas more different than these triplets. Unlike other brothers who were close and wanted to pack up together, they knew all along they would never be a pack, just family.
Hell, their dad gifted them land divided in four separate parcels so they could live together but separate, a pack house to be built on each. And their sister of course.
A packhouse I was supposed to live in but now would never get the chance.
Life was a bitch.
The moment that my omega walked into our now-shared apartment, I knew something was wrong. She refused to let me go to the clinic with her and I’d been nervously cleaning our place the entire time.
Maybe if I was an alpha I’d demand to go, wait outside the building, but I was trying to respect her boundaries. We were still new enough I didn’t want to cross a line… not after what she told me about her ex.
When she dropped her bag at the front table and turned those glassy ocean blue eyes on me, I rushed forward. My fingers pushed her long, red hair out of her face, brushing away the tears streaking down her freckled cheeks.
My heart slammed in my chest as my mind started to conjure all the awful possibilities. No matter what she told me I’d stick by her side. We’d figure it out.